谷山 巖
鐵と鋼 : 日本鐡鋼協會々誌 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.26, no.7, pp.511-520, 1940-07-25

The steel made from sponge iron and loop (Luppe) is generally thought superior to that from steel scraps, because of the former's virgin or fresh quality. However, even such steel wiht virginity, may loose the fresh quality when re-melted. Steel manufacturers are used to add some necessary alloying elements to the base iron, which has not contained any additional elements, in order to obtain the expected result, while they cannot refine such materials as steel scraps as they are which contain the ordinary steel components alone and consequently reveal no chemical reaction. It is suggested that the superiority of sponge iron is, in reality, due to the absence of any other steel mixtures, and not due to the virginity. It is necessary to follow a "dynamic" method in refining the sponge iron with a considerable amount of carbon. The good result would not be obtained by following the ordinary method of refining, even in case where only a little quantity of carbon is present. When steel scraps are used as the original material, the existing components other than iron should be removed first by means of oreing and then necessary elements may be added.