赤松 宏
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.1969, no.19, pp.277-290, 1969-03-31 (Released:2010-05-07)

This thesis makes a part of theses which expressed as titled “Philosophy toward Concreteness. His linguistic theory was referred as a way to the Philosophy toward Concreteness. Through the study of his works, I tried to clarify my philosophy as possible. Now the meaning of “Concreteness” might remain obscure, which will be solved in the following papers. Here the language could be considered as a means through which the concreteness will be approached. In this paper M.-Ponty happens to be chiefly discussed.M.-Ponty rejects both the empiricism and the intellectualism of languages as insufficient: in the former there is no person who speaks, and in the latter languages are only the adjuncts or the accessories of thought. Both are the same in respect that the language in itself has no meaning. He says the language is the thought”, which means the thought has its existence nothing but in the language. According to his theory as well as that of Jaspers, the language is the accomplishment of thought.The ultimate aim of his theory is, in short, to find out “silence primordial” or the existential meaning, which lies under the conceptual meaning of languages. But in order to find out his existential meaning, first of all, we must clarify the conceptual meaning, which is scarcely referred by him as well as the other. So we must only guess those meanings, which will be clarified in the next papers.