Nakar Eldad
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.117, pp.89-123, 2007-03

特集記憶の社会学投稿論文はじめに2. 第二次世界大戦を題材とする日本のマンガ 2.1. 1950年代後半から1960年代後半まで 2.1.1. 英雄的な戦闘 : 羅憲的語り 2.1.2 プロットの構成に見られる類似点 2.1.3. 単純なプロット,可愛らしい登場人物,歴史的リアリズム 2.1.4. 悲惨な戦争 : 拒絶された語り 2.2. 1960年代後半から1970年代後半まで 2.2.1. 悲惨な戦争 : 羅憲的語り 2.2.2 プロットの構成の類似点 2.2.3. 個人の証言と女性の記憶 2.2.4. 英雄的な戦闘 : 薄れゆく語り3. 自己を映す鏡 3.1. 1945年~1954年 : 時間の隔たり 3.2. 1950年代後半から1960年代後半まで : 肯定的な過去のイメージの出現 3.3. 1960年代後半から1970年代後半まで : 忌まわしい過去の記憶4. マンガの社会的枠組As the literature on collective memory acknowledges, when individuals recall their past, their memory is a collaborative product, influenced by society, and modeled by the collective frame of the day. Collective memory, scholars agree, is substantiated through multiple forms of communication. To infer on how a certain society remembers its past, scholars, thus, take on the task of investigating various mediums and different cultural productions. In Japan, it seems, however, that scholars failed to include manga into the above comprehension. As if manga is not a medium of communication that abide by the collective memory frame of the day, whenever the issue of collective memories of World War II in Japan has been addressed-and there were ample investigations on the issue so far-only few scholars looked at Japanese manga. Responding to the above tendency, in my paper, I choose to concern myself solely with the fictional representation of WW II over the manga. I seek to put manga tales of WW II against the social environment from which I argue they draw their ideas and worldview. I apt to demonstrate that manga narration of WW II is also a reflection of the different times in which it was produced.
鈴木 俊洋
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2007, no.58, pp.203-218,25, 2007-04-01 (Released:2009-07-23)

The main purpose of the paper is to call philosophers' attention to expertise, a form of tacit knowledge that is essential for expert problem-solving activities in the life-world. To this end, I construct a framework showing how mathematical objects emerge from omitprosses of expert problem-solving activities. First, I will refer to the framework of the historical genesis of mathematical objects that is presented by Enrico Giusti, an Italian historian of mathematics. His framework suggests that mathematical objects emerged from processes of technical omit-skills of problem-solving by mathematicians. Then I will explain how Husserl's genetic phenomenology analyzes the genesis of geometrical objects. The framework of the genesis of mathematical objects that is presented here strongly encourages philosophical investigations into expertise in order to study the nature of mathematical objects (and of ideal objects, generally). In addition, it provides philosophers of mathematics with an alternative way of interpreting mathematical objects, and I hopeit helps phenomenologists interpret Husserl's concept of the "life-world".
長尾 龍一
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.1981, no.31, pp.88-103, 1981-05-01 (Released:2009-07-23)
和泉 悠
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2018, no.69, pp.32-43, 2018-04-01 (Released:2018-08-01)

This paper examines the semantics of Japanese generic sentences that involve reference to gender stereotypes and considers how they possibly contribute to the presence and perpetuation of sexual harassment. The main strategy of the paper is, first, to uncover the possible ways in which sentences that contain the explicit deontic modal expression in Japanese beki (roughly corresponding to ought) contribute to the cases of hostile environment sexual harassment, and second, to compare the explicitly modal sentences and generic sentences that contain no explicit modal in order to show that the latter also express modal, normatively laden contents. As a standard theory of deontic modality, I apply Angelika Kratzer’s analysis of ought to Japanese sentences containing beki. For the sake of concrete illustration, I also introduce Asher and Morreau’s (1995) analysis of generics and extend it to Japanese examples. The comparison shows that, insofar as the uses of explicitly normative sentences such as “All women ought to wear a skirt” contribute to hostile environment harassment, implicitly normative sentences such as “Women wear a skirt” make a similar, if not equal, contribution to the legitimization of gender-specific norms. The paper concludes with the suggestion that we pay more attention to generic sentences with gender-specific terms, and that we use explicit quantifiers and singular terms more often than not to avoid ambiguity and possible inadvertent consequences.
松田 克進
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2017, no.68, pp.9-27, 2017-04-01 (Released:2017-06-14)

In this paper, the author offers an overview of some methods that have thus far been used in research on the history of philosophy. From the perspective of philosophical importance, the paper further discusses which kinds of methods are relevant or irrelevant. The examples which are specifically examined in this paper are those of Harry Wolfson, an expert in Medieval Philosophy who treated the history of philosophy exclusively from the view point of diachronic influences; Martial Gueroult, the renowned historian of twentieth century France who studied the internal structure or ‘order of reasons’ of several great philosophical systems of the past; and Jonathan Bennett who examined the history of modern philosophy in the manner of analytic philosophy. After indicating the problem with Wolfson’s method, as well as the difficulty with the idea of Dianoématique which Gueroult developed while producing his monumental works on great philosophers, the author concludes that another possible philosophically significant approach is a method which consists of analyzing the internal structure of some of the past’s philosophical doctrines (like Gueroult and others) and daring (unlike Gueroult) to criticize weaknesses, e. g. an inconsistency, in them. The author calls this method “non-idolizing or de-idolizing structuralism.”
伊勢田 哲治
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2022, no.73, pp.10-24, 2022-04-01 (Released:2022-07-21)
池田 喬
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2018, no.69, pp.9-20, 2018-04-01 (Released:2018-08-01)

Suppose a male philosophy teacher states in the classroom: philosophy is not suitable for women. This paper examines reasons this statement is a morally impermissible harassment speech. First, it examines some characteristics of this speech such as lack of vicious intention on the side of speaker, based on which one could claim that the speech is unproblematic. In opposition to this claim, this paper argues that speaker’s intention is not relevant to the moral nature of harassment speech. It further points out that speech act theory offers useful methods to analyze the moral wrong of harassment speech, particularly based on the reason that this theory is capable of directly addressing the right and wrong of the speech itself, without referring to speaker’s intentions nor consequences of the speech, neither of which are likely not to be observed in trustworthy methods in cases of harassment. Second, I analyze the above statement as subordinating speech that ranks female students as inferior to male students in terms of capabilities regarding philosophical research. The analysis particularly pays attention to the move of conversation within the specific context of the classroom, and clarifies the normative power involved in this move that forces hearers to accept the belief women are inferior to men regarding philosophical abilities. Third, the paper focuses on silence of male students as a reaction to the teacher’s statement, and argues that it licenses this statement and reinforces the authority of the speech. Moreover, it is pointed out that third person’s statements such as “you worry too much” cause secondary damage in which the moral personality of harasser is defended, while the personality of victims is blamed Overall, the paper shows that seemingly unproblematic statements could be impermissible harassment speech, because they subordinate a group to other groups and are also unacceptable due to harms they cause.
植村 玄輝
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2017, no.68, pp.28-44, 2017-04-01 (Released:2017-06-14)

It is commonplace to distinguish two different approaches to the history of philosophy. According to the first approach, the point of studying a text from philosophy’s past is to learn something philosophically important for us today from it. In contrast, the second, more history-oriented approach refuses to read the past philosophical text for the sake of one’s own philosophical interest. For proponents of this approach, the text can be understood only if it is situated in its context in a broad sense. In this discussion, it is sometimes suggested (by Richard Rorty, for instance) that the two approaches do not constitute a dilemma; we can and must do both independently of each other. This suggestion of coexistence, however, would cause a problem for the second approach. Preferring to be exempted from the question of truth in discussing a past philosopher, proponents of this approach would be forced into a distorted understanding of philosophy’s past. In order to avoid this consequence, the present paper proposes a third approach to the history of philosophy, in which we can deal with philosophy’s past historically and philosophically at the same time.
串田 純一
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2014, no.65, pp.151-165_L11, 2014-04-01 (Released:2016-06-30)

In seiner Vorlesung Aristoteles, Metaphysik Θ (1931) hat Heidegger das Begriffspaar von δύναµις und ἐνέργεια nicht nur als Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit interpretiert, sondern jeweils als Vermögen und Verwirklichung. Vor allem lobte er die Stelle 1047a 24-26, und übersetzte sie wie folgt „In Wirklichkeit vermögend aber ist dieses, dem nichts mehr unausführbar ist, sobald es sich in das Zeug legt, als wozu es das Zeug zu haben angesprochen wird “. Diese Stelle kommentierte er folgendermaßen : „Als völlig und wirklich im Stand ist nur jenes vorhanden, das im Vollzug nichts unausgeführt zu lassen braucht“. Heideggers Kommentar lässt uns „ein Vermögen zu haben“ so verstehen, dass man etwas genau dann auszuführt, wenn man es nicht unausgeführt zu lassen braucht. Diese Feststellung lässt uns verschiedene Modalitäten der Verhältnisse zwischen Verhalten und Vermögen aufgliedern und den infiniten Regress der Vermögen zu vermeiden. Die Bestimmung,dass man nichts unausgeführt zu lassen braucht, ist konsistent mit der anderen Bestimmung, nämlich dass man nötwendig etwas ausführt. Die erste Bestimmung hat ontologischen Vorrang vor der Bestimmung, etwas tun zu müssen. Wir wissen nämlich nicht immer, wozu unser Verhalten gebraucht wird. Darüberhinaus sind die notwendigen Bedingungen für unser Verhalten nur beschränkt bekannt. Trotzdem verstehen wir, dass wir etwas nicht unausgeführt zu lassen brauchen, wenn wir es tun.In Sein und Zeit bestimmt Heidegger den Vorrang von „Nicht“ als Nichtigkeit. Und dieses Verständnis von „Nicht“ wird nicht durch propositionale Erkenntnisse erschlossen, sondern durch Befindlichkeiten (Stimmungen, Gefühle, usw.). Dieser transzendentale Horizont, wo man etwas nicht unausgeführt zu lassen braucht,ermöglicht Vermögen überhaupt. Diesen Horizont entwirft das Dasein im Menschen,nicht unser „Ich“. Dieser Punkt wird durch die Stimmung der Langweile deutlich gemacht. In der Langweile haben wir nur Zeitvertreibe, die wir nicht unausgeführt zu lassen brauchen. Dieser Entwurf des transzendentalen Horizonts ist eine notwendige Bewegung des Daseins, und Heidegger nennt ihn „Freiheit“.
水谷 雅彦
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2009, no.60, pp.67-82_L5, 2009 (Released:2010-11-09)

Some say virtual reality is evil. It is easy to ridicule this remark as ignorant and naive: a virtual reality need not be regarded as fictional or spurious, but can be seen as an augmentation of the real world, which suffers from various limitations including our limited sensory abilities. In fact, from what source does this negative picture of virtual reality originate? In Plato's allegory of the cave, which is often quoted in the discussion of a virtual reality, the people who have lived chained in a cave are not supposed to return to the cave once released. How come they do not want to?This paper examines Nozick's experience machine argument, shows that theories of virtual reality do not necessarily assume psychological hedonism, and argues that they do not fail (with computationalism) through Putnam's ‘brain in a vat’ argument. This conclusion suggests that the difference between a real world and a virtual world can in principle be relative. While a virtual world as something artificial is not, at least in principle, inferior to the real world in terms of its factual (or theoretical) aspect, there remains the possibility that the former may be inferior to the latter in its evaluative (or practical) aspect. But it can also be said that this contention is only the expression of a conservative mentality, provided that one accepts, along with Alfred Schutz, world pluralism and asserts the superiority of the real world, which superiority is based upon a mere custom of ours. Given this perspective, a virtual reality can have the same power to criticize the real world as great novels and movies, the prototypes of a virtual reality, once had.
浅野 光紀
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.135, pp.25-43, 2015-03

投稿論文Panpsychism is the view that all things have mind or a mindlike quality, whether or not they are parts of living organisms. The purpose of this paper is to clarify this basic thesis and examine the historical meaning of the recent resurgence of panpsychism in the contemporary mind-body debate.Modern Physicalism inherited the Cartesian, dualistic conception of matter, which is lifeless and devoid of any experiential character. I will argue that this makes it difficult even for the weakest form of physicalism, namely emergentism or non-reductive materialism, to coherently reconcile its two basic doctorines 'physicalist ontology and reality of mind' and panpsychism more plausible.
大貫 挙学
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.106, pp.183-229, 2001-03

特集変容する社会と家族投稿論文1. はじめに2. ジェンダー概念の言語論的転回とジュディス・バトラー 2-1. 反本質主義のジェンダー概念 2-2. ジェンダーのパフォーマティヴィティ 2-3. 法の産出機能と異性愛のマトリクス3. マルクス主義フェミニズム理論の再考 3-1. マルクス主義フェミニズムと「家父長制」 3-2. 近代における公私の二重構造 3-3. マルクス主義フェミニズムの意義と課題4. 近代家族と異性愛主義 4-1. セクシュアリティの発明と「同性愛者」の誕生 4-2. セクシュアリティのジェンダー化 4-3. 有性生殖と再生産5. ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ/主体 5-1. ゲイ・アイデンティティの成立 5-2. レズビアンの不可視性と「女」という主体 5-3. 主体と(非)主体6. おわりにThe purpose of this study is to consider the subjection of gender/sexuality in modern society from the viewpoint of antiessentialism (social constructionism). My special concern here is to describe how gender category and sexual identity (or gendernization of sexuality) have been constructed, and how that has made modern society experienced. Though modernity appears very pluralistic and complicated, in this paper I focus my attention on the public/private dichotomy in terms of the modern family. Referring mainly to Marxist Feminism and Judith Butler's theory on performativity of gender, I tried to define the subjection of gender/sexuality in relation to a social structure or a social institution. I would like to make it clear how the subjection of gender/sexuality is acted out between public and private spheres, production and reproduction processes, and the subject and the (un) subject.
田中 克佳
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.109, pp.135-147, 2003-03

投稿論文はじめに一. 三田村鳶魚の「江戸っ子」ニ. 西山松之助の「江戸ッ子」結び"Edokko (江戸っ子)" is the unique human image which a newly-established city Edo produced in Tokugawa Japan. Then what is the human image? And what are the social background which produced that image and the concrete substance corresponding to the image? These are questions which should be grappled in advance to research the education in the city Edo in Tokugawa Japan.

14 0 0 0 OA 継承と拡散

柏端 達也
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2010, no.61, pp.53-67_L5, 2010 (Released:2011-01-18)

In this paper for the colloquium “Metaphysics Revisited”, I would like to emphasizae the following points: (1) I am skeptical about the view that metaphysics has been revived in recent years or decades. Despite repeated attacks on “metaphysics”, debates in the many areas of metaphysics have always found a place in the main body of philosophical thought. It seems that, in reality, there have not been any “darkest times” in the history of metaphysics, at least during recent centuries. (2) However, this does not mean that there has been one big question which all metaphysicians have been trying to answer. The historical “identity” of metaphysics consists, in fact, in continuity: this is manifested in the form of successive references to a specific kind of philosophical puzzle, and in the chain created through the sharing of various conceptual tools. (3) Such continuity also has a synchronic aspect. Thus, metaphysics as a branch of philosophy has vague boundaries, and connects seamlessly with other branches of philosophy. This aspect suggests that contemporary metaphysics has good potential applicability in other fields.I illustrate the second point mentioned above by citing the example of the history of the “problem of universals”. Then, with regard to the third point, I show that metaphysical ideas are indeed applicable to concrete problems in other branches of philosophy, including moral philosophy.
植村 玄輝
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2015, no.66, pp.127-142, 2015-04-01 (Released:2017-06-10)

In discussing the nature of laws of logic in the Prolegomena of the Logical Investigations, Husserl gives a passingly critical remark about a certain sort of anti-psychologism. He accuses some antipsychologists of misconceiving the laws of logic as essentially normative. This is a mistake, he claims, because logic is a system of norms of thinking or judging only in a deliberative sense; in its primal form, “pure” logic concerns descriptive laws that govern the relationship among propositions as ideal meaning-entities. Such a remark is in need of elucidation and evaluation, since it is widely and correctly acknowledged that the Prolegomena is devoted to the refutation of psychologism rather than anti-psychologism. In the present paper, the author argues for the following four claims: (I) Husserl’s criticism of antipsychologism is an integral part of his argument for pure logic. Since his argument against psychologism in and by itself leads only to the anti-psychologism in question, he is in need of a separate argument for the primarily descriptive and deliberatively normative nature of logic. (II) Husserl succeeds in giving a coherent and fine account of how laws of logic are primarily descriptive and deliberatively normative. (III) This account is not well motivated unless it is supplemented by the phenomenological analysis of cognition. (IV) Husserl does not succeed in providing such a supplementation in the second volume of the Logical Investigations, because he there excludes intentional objects from the domain of phenomenological descriptions. With those claims, the author concludes that Husserl’s so-called transcendental turn and the further development of his thought should be understood as attempts to overcome the incoherence of the Logical Investigations in order to save the largely Aristotelian conception of logic that lies behind the whole discussion.
佐藤 方哉
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.100, pp.275-299, 1996-03
