小森 由美子 赤澤 知美 森部 初美 荻野 賀子 劉 秀娥 二改 俊章
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.478-483, 2002-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

Medical workers are continually faced with determining the appropriate usage of disinfectants in the areas of hospital nursing and home health care. The present study has been designed to provide answers to such questions as “what kind of technique is best for intra-airway and oral aspiration ?” and “what is the most effective use of disinfectants during aspiration procedures to prevent infectious diseases ?” First, the microbial contamination of suction catheters and disinfectant solutions, which have been in use for 24 hours, were investigated. The results indicated contaminations in 50% of catheters and one of the disinfectant solutions, which were presumably caused by the different aspiration techniques of nurses.Experiments were designed to improve the manual, and the results presented to nurses and pharmacists. Additional items to the manual are : (1) The necessity of removing saliva and sputum from the catheter prior to rinsing with the disinfectant solution; (2) The appropriate volume of rinse water and disinfectant solution necessary to achieve a complete de-contamination of the catheter; (3) Preventive techniques used to avoid microbial contamination of disinfectant; (4) Disinfectant soaking techniques for the catheter; (5) Advice for hospital/home health care personnel regarding the proper bedside use of a catheter and disinfectant bottle to maintain appropriate hygienic conditions.The results and subsequent improvement of the instruction manual had a pronounced effect on both the aspiration techniques of nurses, and upon the attitude of pharmacists in our hospital. The pharmacists now realize their leading role in the effective and proper usage of disinfectants.