小森 由美子 赤澤 知美 森部 初美 荻野 賀子 劉 秀娥 二改 俊章
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.478-483, 2002-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

Medical workers are continually faced with determining the appropriate usage of disinfectants in the areas of hospital nursing and home health care. The present study has been designed to provide answers to such questions as “what kind of technique is best for intra-airway and oral aspiration ?” and “what is the most effective use of disinfectants during aspiration procedures to prevent infectious diseases ?” First, the microbial contamination of suction catheters and disinfectant solutions, which have been in use for 24 hours, were investigated. The results indicated contaminations in 50% of catheters and one of the disinfectant solutions, which were presumably caused by the different aspiration techniques of nurses.Experiments were designed to improve the manual, and the results presented to nurses and pharmacists. Additional items to the manual are : (1) The necessity of removing saliva and sputum from the catheter prior to rinsing with the disinfectant solution; (2) The appropriate volume of rinse water and disinfectant solution necessary to achieve a complete de-contamination of the catheter; (3) Preventive techniques used to avoid microbial contamination of disinfectant; (4) Disinfectant soaking techniques for the catheter; (5) Advice for hospital/home health care personnel regarding the proper bedside use of a catheter and disinfectant bottle to maintain appropriate hygienic conditions.The results and subsequent improvement of the instruction manual had a pronounced effect on both the aspiration techniques of nurses, and upon the attitude of pharmacists in our hospital. The pharmacists now realize their leading role in the effective and proper usage of disinfectants.
杉原 久義 二改 俊章 森浦 正憲 神谷 和人 田中 哲之助
日本細菌学雑誌 (ISSN:00214930)
vol.27, no.1, pp.47-57, 1972-01-25 (Released:2009-02-19)
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25年ないし31年間デシケータ内で常温に保存された雨傘蛇(Bungarus multicinctus),青ハブ(Trimeresurus gramineus),台湾ハブ(Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus)ハブ(奄美)(Trimeresurus flavoviridis),百歩蛇(Agkistrodon acutus)の各毒の致死活性,出血活性および各種酵素活性を測定し,新鮮毒のそれと比較して長期保存における活性の変化を調べた。これらのうち百歩蛇毒の各種活性は一般的に安定であることが注目された。またハブ毒が最も不安定で,各種活性共減少傾向が著しかつた。雨傘蛇の31年保存毒を除き,各毒共通して5'-nucleotidase活性は極めて安定で,ほとんど活性の減少は見られなかつた。ついでNADase,ATPase活性が安定であつた。L-amino acid oxidase活性は不安定で活性の減少が著しかつた。ついでglycerophosphatase,出血活性も減少傾向が著明であつた。また致死活性も割合不安定で,保存中に徐々に活性が減少した。同一の酵素活性でも蛇毒の種類が異なると活性の減少率が異なつていた。この点より酵素タンパク質の安定性は毒の種類によつて違つていることがわかる。また致死活性と相関して減少するような活性は明瞭には認められなかった。
小森 由美子 見田 貴裕 二改 俊章
一般社団法人 日本環境感染学会
日本環境感染学会誌 (ISSN:1882532X)
vol.23, no.4, pp.245-250, 2008 (Released:2009-02-16)
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870名の非医療従事者ボランティアを対象に鼻腔内ブドウ球菌保菌について調査した結果,223名から248株のメチシリン耐性株(MRSA 12株,MRC-NS 236株)が分離された.中学生以上ではどの年齢層においても耐性菌の保菌率は23~25%であったが,小学生は40.9%,就学前の小児は70.0%と高い検出率を示した.同居家族から複数のメチシリン耐性菌が分離されたケースを抽出したところ38家族が該当した.これに医療従事者の家族を含む組合せを加え,計45家族について家族内伝播が疑われた耐性株96株でパルスフィールドゲル電気泳動(PFGE)を行った.ボランティアを「親子」,「夫婦」,「兄弟姉妹」,「祖父母と孫」という関係性から見ると58組の組合せが存在し,このうち24組はPFGEパターンが「同一または極めて関連性が高い」と考えられる菌株を保菌していた.特に小学生以下のボランティアを含む組合せではPFGEパターンの一致率が高く,家族内でのメチシリン耐性菌伝播の要因のひとつに「小児」の存在があることが示唆された.しかし医療従事者を含む組合せにおけるPFGEパターンの一致率については,非医療従事者同士の組合せと差が見られなかった.
アウン ニン・タンダ 二改 俊章 小森 由美子 野々垣 常正 高谷 芳明 丹羽 正武
no.52, pp.607-612, 2010-09-01

Monpanoki (Argusia (or Messerschmidia or Tournefortia) argentea (Boraginaceae)) is locally used in Okinawa in Japan as an antidote for poisoning from snakes venoms, Trimeresurus flavoviridis (habu). A methanolic extract of the plant significantly inhibited hemorrhage induced by crude venom of Trimeresurus flavoviridis. The extract was then separated according to antivenom activity by using silica gel (ODS) column to afford rosmarinic acid (RA) (1) as an active principle. RA (1) significantly inhibited the hemorrhagic effect of crude venoms of T. flavoviridis, Crotalus atrox, Gloydius blomhoffii, Bitis arietans as well as snake venom metalloproteinases, HT-b (C. atrox), bilitoxin 2 (Agkistrodon bilineatus), HF (B. arietans), and Acl-proteinase (Deinagkistrodon acutus). This is the first report of the antihemorrhage activity of RA (1) and RA (1) greatly contributes to the antihemorrhagic efficiency of this plant against crude snake venoms and hemorrhagic toxins. Furthermore, mechanistic evidence of RA's neutralization of the hemorrhagic effects of snake venom was invesitigated. Inhibitions against fibrinogen hydreolytic and collagen hydrolytic activities of T. flavoviridis venom were examined by SDS-PAGE. Histopathological study was done by using microscope afer administration of venom with or without RA. RA was found to markedly neutralize venom-induced hemorrhage, fibrinogenolysis, cytotoxicity and digestion of type IV collagen activity. Moreover, both hemorrhage and neutrophil infiltrations were inhibited by RA, although both were observed in pathology sections administered only T. flavoviridis venom. These results demonstrate that RA inhibited most of the hemorrhage effects of venom. These findings indicate that rosmarinic acid can be expected to provide therapeutic benefits in neutralization of snake venom accompanied by heat stability.
二改 俊章 小森 由美子 杉原 久義
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.120, no.4, pp.315-327, 2000-04-01

Venom samples were corrected from several poisonous snakes, such as Bungarus multicinctus, Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus, T. gramineus, T. flavoviridis, and Agkistrodon acutus, and stored in a desiccator at room temperature for 25 to 31 years. Then they were compared with fresh venoms as to their biological activities. The characteristic local symptoms produced by the bite of venomous snakes of Crotalidae and Viperidae are hemorrhage, necrosis and muscular degeneration. Hemorrhagic toxins were purified from Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus, Crotalus ruber ruber, Vipera aspis aspis, and Agkistrodon acutus venoms and their biological, biochemical, and pathological properties were investigated. Arginine ester hydrolases are present in the venoms of Crotalidae and Viperidae, but are not found in the venoms of Elapidae and Hydrophiidae. In this paper we describe the enzymatic and biological activities of arginine ester hydrolases from a Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus venom.