遠山 裕美 大須賀 美恵子
バイオフィードバック研究 (ISSN:03861856)
vol.10, pp.8-11, 1983

The purpose of this study was to enhance the tolerance against a stressful situation by biofeedback training, using a recently developed BF system, MIBS-I (Mitsubishi Interactive Biofeedback System-I, Ohsuga et al 1981). Out of two male participants of the Skill Olympic, one was trained to decrease and stabilize the heart rate (HR), and the other was trained to increase the amount of Fmθ activities. After the training sessions, a strong uncomfortable tone was presented to examine the control-ability under the stressor. 1. HR The HR subject could decrease the means of HR by using the respiratory activity. The SDs became smaller as the trainig progressed. Under the stres sor, he also showed the learned effect. 2. Fmθ Tne Fmθ is a 6-7 Hz theta rhythm detected from the frontal midline during the performance of some mental tasks, e.g., Uchida-Kraepelin Test. Tne Fmθ subject could increase tne Fmθ-perce ntage of total training time using binary audio-feedback, while doing Uchida-Kraepelin Test. Father investigations on the method of introducing the stressor into the training situations and the method of evaluating the feedback effect are needed.