櫻井 秀彦 恩田 光子 野呂瀬 崇彦 柳本 ひとみ 古田 精一
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.35, no.1, pp.23-33, 2016-06-10 (Released:2016-07-06)

In addition to the notion of promoting generic drugs to lower pharmaceutical costs, another approach that has gained attention as vital to policy reform is that of utilizing health insurance pharmacies to decrease over-prescription and surplus of drugs. Such a move would perforce require separating medical and dispensary practices. There is increased need for more efficient provision of pharmaceuticals, including proper inventory control, outpatient clinics that function as family pharmacies, and support of home-bound patients’ medication regimens. However, chronic ailments in particular tend to lack subjective symptoms, and decreased intake of medication and surplus medication compound to make these larger policy issues difficult to solve. This has led to the Revised Dispensing Service Fee changes in 2012 and 2014 putting stricter controls on medication regimens and checks of surplus medication. This research examines in parallel the issues of patient satisfaction and loyalty alongside adherence to medication regimens, issues that have been previously treated in isolation in the existing literature. By comparing their respective inter-relationships and influencing factors, we conducted a re-analysis of the relationship between insurance pharmacies and patients. We collected data from patients with diabetes and high blood pressure via an Internet survey. Responses on loyalty, patient satisfaction, overall perceived quality, and degree of medication adherence were obtained, as well as responses on the factors believed in a cross-sectional sense across research disciplines to contribute to the above, and the results measured on a quantitative scale. Path analysis was then used, with a model defined using overall perceived quality as a parameter and measuring the degree of satisfaction, loyalty, and medication adherence. In addition, a multiple-group analysis was simultaneously performed. Although there was variance by ailment in terms of patient satisfaction and loyalty, factors contributing to perceived quality were the strongest, followed by the rating of the prescribing doctor. However, for adherence, only self-efficacy and prescribing doctor rating contributed. Ultimately, no correlation was found between patient satisfaction, loyalty, and adherence, and the contributing causes were found to vary, so improving these various vectors would seem to require respectively differing strategies. In terms of medication adherence, the results suggested the need for strategies to increase patients’ self-efficacy, partner with prescribing doctors, and improve the perceived rating of prescribing doctors; different quality improvements are needed by medical area, whether medicine or dispensary practice.
野呂瀬 崇彦 有田 悦子 半谷 眞七子 後藤 惠子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.37, no.2, pp.117-126, 2018-12-10 (Released:2019-01-19)

【Objective】 Nowadays, the pharmacist’s work changed from product-centered to patient-centered care. In this research, we make it clear through patient’s talk what a patient expects of a family pharmacist and a pharmacy. We think it is utilized to construct a communication standard required for family pharmacists. 【Method】 Focus group interviews were conducted with 3 groups of 11 patients who utilize pharmacies, recruited through snowball sampling. Interview data were categorized using qualitative analysis method. 【Results】 As a result of analysis, 7 categories and 43 subcategories were generated. Based on these, a diagram was created representing the relationships between categories. 【Discussion】 The generated categories indicated “factors influencing patient’s relationship with pharmacists” and subcategories indicated “requests to or expectations from pharmacists by patients.” Many of them overlapped with the image of “family pharmacist/pharmacy” depicted in the “Pharmacy Vision for Patients” indicated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2017. Meanwhile, patients wanted attitude, ethics, and sense of mission as basic qualifications originally required in a medical professional. Moreover, the research showed broader viewpoints and expectations for advanced communication skills such as support of patient’s self-determination of medication, relationship between the patient and the physician, and consideration of social and economic background of the patient.
野呂瀬 崇彦 木村 雄太 野津 諭志 櫻井 秀彦
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.33, no.1, pp.15-20, 2014-06-10 (Released:2015-08-11)

A “Okusuri-techo,” which refers to a prescription record, is utilized in medical institutions as an information tool necessary for the prevention of side effects, drug-interaction, and/or in case of emergency medication. However, the record is not shared sufficiently between patients and pharmacists and thus remains underutilized. To explore how the record could be used more effectively, a survey was conducted with the pharmacists of 73 community pharmacies that were members of the Otaru Pharmaceutical Association, and patients who received prescriptive medicines from these pharmacies. A total of 148 pharmacists and 157 patients responded. Approximately 80.9% of the patient group responded that the prescription record was useful, whereas 100% of the pharmacists answered that it was helpful. In the cross-analysis of the patients’ responses, the presentation of the prescription record to medical staff was correlated with the degree of helpfulness of the record. It was suggested that the function and effective usage of the record were rarely shared between patients and pharmacists. Sufficient understanding of the value and effective usage of such a record will therefore promote its active utilization among patients and pharmacists.