男全 恵里花 岸本 桂子 福島 紀子 櫻井 秀彦
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.36, no.2, pp.78-87, 2017-12-10 (Released:2018-01-05)

The purpose of this research was to clarify the factors influencing the approval or disapproval and evaluative opinions of the public concerning separation of dispensing and prescribing functions. We conducted a Web survey with 2006 participants (September 2016). We conducted multiple logistic regression analysis and quantitative analysis of freely recorded their reasons about approval or disapproval. The approval rating was 29.2% in persons who had had some prior experience with at the pharmacies (n=1,778) and 41.9% in participants who made regular clinic visits and always filled prescriptions at the pharmacy (n=430). Multiple logistic regression analysis of the data of participants who visited pharmacies (n=1,778), identified that compared to participants who experienced side effects (OR=1.34), the frequency of used pharmacies (OR:Odds ratio=1.47), the filling burdened by having to fill prescriptions at the pharmacy (OR=0.19, 1/OR=5.18), there was a significant positive association for the approval. Analysis of qualitative data of the group that approved identified many labels related to ‘quality of results’, however no labels related to ‘quality of results’ were generated in the group which disapproved. Public approval or disapproval of non-hospital based prescription is mainly determined based on the burden or inconvenience incurred (due to waiting times, mobility-incurred time and energy, inconvenience associated with travel, inconvenience of repeated visits) when filling prescriptions at the pharmacy rather than on opinions regarding the pharmacy’s drug therapy service. Measures are required to increase the level of merit compared to the burden experienced in the use of pharmacy.
逸見 孝広 石下 真也 谷 秀彰 桶谷 満 櫻井 秀彦
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.40, no.2, pp.105-112, 2021-12-10 (Released:2022-02-08)

The number of diagnosed hypertensive patients in Japan is estimated to be 9.93 million according to a 2017 patient survey, and the potential number of actual hypertensive patients is estimated to be 43 million. The purpose of the present study was to clarify the actual condition of the Do-shoho (refill of the previous prescription) period for antihypertensive drugs prescribed for a long duration, and to obtain basic data for considering the introduction of a refill system in Japan. Data were collected from the patient medication profile of patients who were prescribed amlodipine OD tablets (Chemiphar®) from July 2012 to December 2019, and the Mann-Whitney U test or Kruskal-Wallis test were performed with the Do-shoho period as the test variable. A generalized linear model was used to analyze the items for which significant differences were obtained. The results of the analysis showed that the factors affecting the duration of the Do-shoho were the prescribing source, diagnosis, and the maximum number of prescription days. Of the patients surveyed (N=321), 199 (62.0%) had a Do-shoho duration of 6 months or longer, which was more than half of the total number of patients. The results suggest that many patients may be eligible for the refill prescription system if pharmacists are able to properly assess the continuation of prescriptions.
櫻井 秀彦 恩田 光子 野呂瀬 崇彦 柳本 ひとみ 古田 精一
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.35, no.1, pp.23-33, 2016-06-10 (Released:2016-07-06)

In addition to the notion of promoting generic drugs to lower pharmaceutical costs, another approach that has gained attention as vital to policy reform is that of utilizing health insurance pharmacies to decrease over-prescription and surplus of drugs. Such a move would perforce require separating medical and dispensary practices. There is increased need for more efficient provision of pharmaceuticals, including proper inventory control, outpatient clinics that function as family pharmacies, and support of home-bound patients’ medication regimens. However, chronic ailments in particular tend to lack subjective symptoms, and decreased intake of medication and surplus medication compound to make these larger policy issues difficult to solve. This has led to the Revised Dispensing Service Fee changes in 2012 and 2014 putting stricter controls on medication regimens and checks of surplus medication. This research examines in parallel the issues of patient satisfaction and loyalty alongside adherence to medication regimens, issues that have been previously treated in isolation in the existing literature. By comparing their respective inter-relationships and influencing factors, we conducted a re-analysis of the relationship between insurance pharmacies and patients. We collected data from patients with diabetes and high blood pressure via an Internet survey. Responses on loyalty, patient satisfaction, overall perceived quality, and degree of medication adherence were obtained, as well as responses on the factors believed in a cross-sectional sense across research disciplines to contribute to the above, and the results measured on a quantitative scale. Path analysis was then used, with a model defined using overall perceived quality as a parameter and measuring the degree of satisfaction, loyalty, and medication adherence. In addition, a multiple-group analysis was simultaneously performed. Although there was variance by ailment in terms of patient satisfaction and loyalty, factors contributing to perceived quality were the strongest, followed by the rating of the prescribing doctor. However, for adherence, only self-efficacy and prescribing doctor rating contributed. Ultimately, no correlation was found between patient satisfaction, loyalty, and adherence, and the contributing causes were found to vary, so improving these various vectors would seem to require respectively differing strategies. In terms of medication adherence, the results suggested the need for strategies to increase patients’ self-efficacy, partner with prescribing doctors, and improve the perceived rating of prescribing doctors; different quality improvements are needed by medical area, whether medicine or dispensary practice.
櫻井 秀彦
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.49, pp.1-14, 2019 (Released:2019-09-30)

わが国では、近年特に医薬分業制度に対する様々な指摘がなされている。しかし、分業制度の利用者である患者の評価を基にこの制度について詳しく検証した報告は見受けられない。本研究では、Web調査にて処方医療機関と薬局の評価と継続利用意志、並びに服薬継続意志と分業制度の評価について測定し、これらの関連性を探った。 外来の慢性疾患患者1,952人のデータでサービス評価要素、総合満足、継続意志と分業評価に順に影響する構造方程式モデルを検討した。 結果は、薬局の方が医療機関と比べて過程品質要素(プロセス評価)からの総合満足への影響度が高かった。総合満足間では薬局から医療機関への影響のみ有意であった。また、継続利用意志では医療機関と薬局の双方向の影響が有意であった。更に、服薬継続意志には医療機関、薬局の順で総合満足が影響したが、影響度は低かった。分業評価には医療機関総合満足度より薬局総合満足の影響度が極めて高かった。 以上、薬局が処方医療機関の評価を補完し、継続意志や分業評価では双方が影響するなど、患者には潜在的に分業制度の機能が認識されていることが示された。分業評価には薬局評価の過程品質も強く関連することが示された。しかし、服薬継続意志については影響度の高い変数がないことから、患者由来の要因等、他の影響要因を探る必要性も示唆された。
櫻井 秀彦 古田 精一
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.43, pp.1-12, 2016 (Released:2016-09-30)

Improving patient satisfaction is a goal of many pharmacies in Japan. However, it has been shown that in the case of chronic diseases, the outcomes of medical treatment are not always clearly perceivable, and may not necessarily lead to patient satisfaction. Issues such as reduced medication adherence and unused drugs have been indicated. In this study, we simultaneously measured the degree of patient satisfaction and medication adherence, issues which have been handled separately in previous studies. We then investigated influential factors. A questionnaire survey was conducted on out-patients in pharmacy. Patient satisfaction and medication adherence as well as factors considered to affect these parameters were measured with quantitative scales. Path analysis was performed to examine differences in degrees of influence on satisfaction and medication adherence with multiple group analysis of each patient attribute and disease group. The patient satisfaction level was affected by understanding of effect and medical staff. The adherence scale was most affected by burden followed by understanding of effect. Ultimately, in most cases, no correlation was found between patient satisfaction and adherence, and the contributing causes were found to vary, so improving these various vectors would seem to require respectively differing strategies.
櫻井 秀彦
オペレーションズ・マネジメント&ストラテジー学会論文誌 (ISSN:18846939)
vol.9, no.1, pp.48-63, 2019 (Released:2020-03-09)

櫻井 秀彦 中島 史雄 多田 裕一郎 芳川 江美 岩橋 芳樹 藤田 健二 早瀬 幸俊
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.129, no.5, pp.581-591, 2009-05-01 (Released:2009-05-01)
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Various functions expected by patient expects are needed with progress in the system for separation of dispensing and prescribing functions. In this investigation, the relationship between patient satisfaction and pharmacy function were analyzed quantitatively. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 178 community pharmacies. Questions on pharmacy functions and services totaled 87 items concerning information service, amenities, safety, personnel training, etc. The questionnaires for patients had five-grade scales and composed 11 items (observed variables). Based on the results, “the percentage of satisfied patients” was determined. Multivariate analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between patient satisfaction and pharmacy functions or services provided, to confirm patient's evaluation of the pharmacy, and how factors affected comprehensive satisfaction. In correlation analysis, “the number of pharmacists” and “comprehensive satisfaction” had a negative correlation. Other interesting results were obtained. As a results of factor analysis, three latent factors were obtained: the “human factor,” “patients' convenience,” and “environmental factor,” Multiple regression analysis showed that the “human factor” affected “comprehensive satisfaction” the most. Various pharmacy functions and services influence patient satisfaction, and improvement in their quality increases patient satisfaction. This will result in the practice of patient-centered medicine.
小山内 康徳 桂 志保里 佐藤 大峰 木村 礼志 児玉 啓史 高杉 公彦 櫻井 秀彦
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.2, pp.72-80, 2015-12-10 (Released:2015-12-25)

The purpose of this study was to assess the negative effects of some factors on medicine-taking behavior. For the patients taking oral medication who visited a health insurance pharmacy, we enacted the actual situation of medication and conducted an attitude survey on the feeling of burden and resistance of taking the drugs. The survey also covered the factors that can influence medicine-taking behavior and the extent of the influence. For differences in each factor such as patient characteristics, lifestyle, and medication status, we used the 2 test to analyze the association with medicine-taking behavior. We found significant differences in age, dietary habits, occupation, periodic consultation with the pharmacy/doctor, and unpleasant experiences. In addition, in patients with multiple factors that cause noncompliance with medication, we observed a strong influence of age and occupation. From the factor analysis, we obtained data on time, quantity, and pharmaceutical factors (three factors called regular factors). These factors negatively influenced the use of medication by the patients. Next, in the covariance structure analysis, the influence of time and the quantity factor on medication-related stress was the observed to be the strongest, whereas the influence of the regular factors was not significant. Furthermore, there were differences in the influence of these factors depending on patient characteristics.
櫻井 秀彦 恩田 光子 高木 美保 中川 明子 我藤 有香 荒川 行生 早瀬 幸俊
vol.6, no.1, pp.3-21, 2011

<B>目的</B>:保険薬局に勤務する薬剤師と事務職の組織や職務に対する意識と安全意識を調査し,それらの関連性を職種や他の属性で比較検討した.<br><B>対象と方法</B>:関西圏に基盤を置くチェーン薬局41店舗でアンケート調査を実施した.非管理職の薬剤師(n=180)と事務職(n =127)を対象とし,組織や職務に関する30の質問項目とミス対策などに関する38の質問項目を設定,それぞれ5件法で回答を求めた.職種別に因子分析を行い,抽出された因子を比較検討した後,共分散構造分析と重回帰分析で組織や職務に対する意識と安全意識の関連性について検討した.重回帰分析では,過誤対策委員経験の有無や雇用形態による影響を,ダミー変数を用いて確認した.<br><B>結果</B>:因子分析では,組織や職務に関する設問から5因子が,安全意識に関する設問から5因子が抽出された.薬剤師と事務職では因子の構成項目が若干異なった.共分散構造分析では,薬剤師と事務職ともに組織や職務に対する意識が安全意識に影響を与えていることが明らかとなった.重回帰分析では個々の因子およびダミー変数で影響に違いがあることが明らかとなった.<br><B>考察</B>:安全意識を高めるためには,まず良好な職場風土を醸成し,組織への評価を高めること,次いで職種,雇用形態,過誤対策委員の経験の有無などの違いを考慮した組織管理姿勢を検討する必要性が裏付けられた.
柳本 ひとみ 櫻井 秀彦 古田 精一 黒澤 菜穂子
一般社団法人 日本在宅薬学会
在宅薬学 (ISSN:2188658X)
vol.6, no.1, pp.11-26, 2019 (Released:2019-05-20)

薬剤師の在宅業務において,薬物療法に有益な業務と課題を探索することを目的とし,web アンケート調査を行った.回収数は208 名であった.回答は5 件法とし,属性により層別化し比較を行った.「薬剤師が行う業務確認項目」および「患者/家族あるいは多職種からの情報確認項目」について,因子分析およびクラスター分析により回答群を分類し,属性と関連付けた.結果として,薬剤師は,「薬効」「副作用」などは確認しているが,患者の日常生活動作の確認には「性別」で差が見られ,患者/家族あるいは多職種からの情報収集の頻度は低くかった.分類された5 つのグループと「性別」は関連があった.薬物療法評価に役立つものは,「アセスメントシートを多職種で共有する」であった.今回示した16 項目の業務例の中で必要と思う業務を実施した場合,薬剤師は,「薬物療法の成果」「患者/家族のQOL」が向上し,「医師や看護師など多職種との連携が良くなる」「医師の治療方針に自分の意見が反映される可能性が高くなる」と考えていた.今後,薬剤師は,在宅業務確認ツール作成や,多職種共通尺度により薬物療法の評価を行うことで業務向上を図る必要がある.
櫻井 秀彦 古田 精一
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.43, pp.1-12, 2016

Improving patient satisfaction is a goal of many pharmacies in Japan. However, it has been shown that in the case of chronic diseases, the outcomes of medical treatment are not always clearly perceivable, and may not necessarily lead to patient satisfaction. Issues such as reduced medication adherence and unused drugs have been indicated. In this study, we simultaneously measured the degree of patient satisfaction and medication adherence, issues which have been handled separately in previous studies. We then investigated influential factors.A questionnaire survey was conducted on out-patients in pharmacy. Patient satisfaction and medication adherence as well as factors considered to affect these parameters were measured with quantitative scales. Path analysis was performed to examine differences in degrees of influence on satisfaction and medication adherence with multiple group analysis of each patient attribute and disease group.The patient satisfaction level was affected by understanding of effect and medical staff. The adherence scale was most affected by burden followed by understanding of effect. Ultimately, in most cases, no correlation was found between patient satisfaction and adherence, and the contributing causes were found to vary, so improving these various vectors would seem to require respectively differing strategies.
櫻井 秀彦 恩田 光子 中川 明子 藤本 佳乃子 奥田 勅子 岡山 浩之 荒川 行生 早瀬 幸俊
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.15, no.3, pp.118-123, 2013 (Released:2013-12-27)

Objective: This study quantitatively analyzes the factors causing dispensing errors in community pharmacies and explores the characteristics of these factors and their order of importance.Design and Methods: We collected data records on the contents and causes of dispensing errors as reported between April and July 2009 by a total of 320 pharmacists at 56 stores of two pharmacy chains (15 stores in Hokkaido and 41 stores in the Kansai area).  We focused on the following three types of dispensing error: 1) “measurement error”, 2) “wrong drug dispensing error” and 3) “wrong dosage form specification error”.  We conducted multiple regression analyses and discriminant analyses with occurrence frequency of each type of error as dependent variables and count frequency of each causal factor as independent variables.Results: The result of the multiple regression analyses indicated that the primary causes of the three types of errors in order of strength of the regression coefficients were as follows.  For “measurement error”: 1) pharmacist’s wrong assumption and 2) calculation error; for “wrong dosage form specification error”: 1) insufficient confirmation of prescription and 2) pharmacist’s wrong assumption; for “wrong drug dispensing error”: 1) pharmacist’s wrong assumption and 2) insufficient confirmation of prescription.  The results of the discriminant analysis indicated that only for the discriminant coefficient between “wrong dosage form specification error” and “wrong drug dispensing error” no significant difference in the mean was found (p=0.539).Conclusions: Results show that partly different factors cause “measurement error” as compared with the two other types of dispensing errors.  In addition, while basically the same factors were found to cause “wrong drug dispensing error” and “wrong dosage form specification error,” there was a difference in the order of importance of these factors.  This study uncovered differences in terms of causal factors affecting each dispensing error type.
伊藤 敦 丹野 忠晋 櫻井 秀彦 奥村 貴史
年報 公共政策学 (ISSN:18819818)
vol.17, pp.101-116, 2023-03-31

Hokkaido faces challenges to the effective implementation of its healthcare infrastructure because of demographic factors such as negative population growth and an aging population, and economic factors, including financial difficulties faced by local governments. Regional healthcare networks have been built to overcome these problems and streamline healthcare delivery. However, the number of registered patients is only 1% of the total population. This study investigated the factors that cause the stagnation of the number of registered patients in the regional healthcare networks in Hokkaido. Our survey identified 46 networks in 21 medical regions. The average ratio of registered patients in Hokkaido was 4.1%, regional healthcare networks in the Sapporo area were dysfunctional. We estimated the factors influencing the ratio. The ratio of networked medical institutions in the region and the dummy variable for their business size were statistically significant for Hokkaido and for the secondary medical areas, excluding the Sapporo medical area. It follows that the number of registered patients in a network could be determined by the ratio of connected medical institutions and the size of their business. The problems could be overcome by exploiting the economy of scale in the networks. Establishing a prefecture-wide network would increase the number of registered patients and lower the overall cost of the networks.
櫻井 秀彦
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.51, pp.107-118, 2020 (Released:2020-09-30)

服薬アドヒアランスに関する先行研究では、様々な阻害要因が報告されている。しかし、飲み残しや服薬アドヒアランスの低さなどの問題は、医療現場では十分に解決されていないのが現状である。そこで本研究では、研究の注目度が高まっている意図的な中断と非意図的な中断の2つの次元の服薬非遵守行動に着目した。 2018年2月に、医療ニーズが高まる年齢である45歳以上の一般市民約3万人を対象に、患者意識と健康に関わる行動に関するインターネット調査を実施した。先行研究に基づいた意図的中断行動、非意図的中断行動、患者エンパワメメント(情報探索、知識習得、治療参画)等の構成概念を測定し、共分散構造分析で慢性疾患患者と急性期患者による母集団別分析を行った。 分析の結果、急性期患者では、非意図的中断から意図的中断への影響のみ有意であったが、慢性期患者では両者間での再帰的な影響が認められた。また、意図的中断と非意図的中断には影響要因に相違が見られ、慢性期と急性期では支援策の違いを検討する必要が示唆された。更に、過剰な知識習得意欲が、不適切な知識の取得などを介して意図的な中断に結びついている可能性も示された。よって、継続的な通院・服薬を要する慢性患者と、抗菌薬等で完全に飲みきる必要のある急性期の患者では、支援策など個別に検討する必要性が示唆された。
櫻井 秀彦 川原 昇平 多田 裕一郎 中島 史雄 猪狩 富夫 百瀬 晴彦 近藤 弘之 小森 雄太 早瀬 幸俊
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.127, no.7, pp.1115-1123, 2007 (Released:2007-07-01)
24 14

Separation of the dispensing function and the prescribing function, Iyaku Bungyo, has been progressing in Japan. We are now witnessing the advent of a new society where patients select pharmacists and their satisfaction is recognized as one of the healthcare outcome indicators. It is necessary to clarify which factors affect patients' satisfaction with the services provided at community pharmacies and how they do so. A survey was conducted among 104 community pharmacies and their patients around the Tokyo metropolitan area in Japan. The questionnaire comprised 11 items (observed variables), each with a five-grade scale. With the transformed data-oriented pharmacy, the percentage of being not unsatisfactory was examined in two multivariate analyses of the relation and structure of patient satisfaction with a community pharmacy. Structural equation modeling (SEM) with factor analysis (FA) was performed using the observed variables and latent factors. Multiple regression analysis was performed with comprehensive satisfaction as an independent variable, examining the factors that affect comprehensive satisfaction with the pharmacy. The result of the FA indicated three latent factors of instruction on the use of drugs, quality of staff, and environment, based on which SEM model was constructed with a relatively high goodness of fit index. The result of multiple regression analyses indicated almost all variables such as satisfaction with reception by the pharmacist affected the comprehensive satisfaction, but privacy did not show a significant effect. These results, notably the relationship between each variables and latent factors, suggested the importance of higher skills of pharmacists, service qualities at pharmacies, and their functions adjusted to the community.
野田 久美子 後藤 奨一 櫻井 秀彦
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.39, no.2, pp.72-78, 2020

<p>Objective : It is true that depressive patients receive instruction on the use of the medicines from community pharmacists, but it is unclear whether these patients themselves come in contact with pharmacists depending on the needs for relieving their worries about the therapy. This study aims to reveal what prevents depressive patients from consulting pharmacists in order to help improve the pharmacy environment for the patients. Methods : We addressed an online questionnaire to 1,038 depressive patients, asking "Have you ever consulted pharmacists about 1) medicine, 2) therapy and 3) difficulties in life caused by depression?" and "Have you ever given up consulting pharmacist about the same three items though you want to consult them?" If the answer was "No" for the former question, and if the answer was "Yes" for the latter, the reasons were also asked. Result : Available data from 988 patients were collected. 23.8%, 42.7%, 46.6% patients have not consulted about 1) medicine, 2) therapy and 3) difficulties in life caused by depression, respectively, though they wanted to consult pharmacists. One of the reasons for this was that they had felt refused by pharmacists before. Others were, for example, they didn't like crowded situation and lack of privacy in pharmacy. Conclusion : This study revealed the existence of patients hesitating to consult with pharmacists. Pharmacists need to recognize that their careful response to the patients could encourage the patients' recovery, and that they should provide comfortable circumstances for patients to consult pharmacists without hesitation.</p>
櫻井 秀彦 丹野 忠晋 増原 宏明 林 行成 山田 玲良
JSMDレビュー (ISSN:24327174)
vol.3, no.1, pp.11-18, 2019 (Released:2019-10-29)

小山内 康徳 木村 礼志 高杉 公彦 櫻井 秀彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.6, pp.288-298, 2018-06-10 (Released:2019-06-10)

A survey was conducted among patients that use health insurance pharmacies to determine the importance of drug consultation contents that are discussed during “holiday and night hours” and “regular open hours”. We investigated differences in the degree of importance in consultation topics for each drug between “holiday and night hours” and “regular open hours”. Also, for each time period, we also attempted to identify priority drug consultation topics for multiple medications. Three important consultation topics during “holiday and night hours” were found to be “drug interaction”, “actions to be taken in an emergency” and “whether or not to take a medication”. When drug consultation topics were compared between “holiday and night hours” and “regular open hours”, topics regarding “expiration date” and “indication” were found to be of higher importance during “regular open hours”. In regard to ideal patient consultations at pharmacies, based on the fact that i) the consultation contents differ depending on the patient's background and the time of day, and ii) the patient's needs differ from the topics of information covered when providing medication instructions and other information, the above results suggest that consultations need to be improved and aligned with the patient's needs.
柳本 ひとみ 櫻井 秀彦 古田 精一 黒澤 菜穂子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.37, no.2, pp.91-101, 2018-12-10 (Released:2019-01-19)

Objective: We search valuable information in home medical care settings that impede smooth collaboration among pharmacists, home care physicians, and home care nurses. Methods: We conducted an online survey on 120 physicians and 118 nurses on “areas perceived as overloaded with tasks,” “quality of life (QOL) evaluation of patients,” and “expectations to pharmacists.” We analyzed data using the Mann-Whitney U test and conducted the customer satisfaction (CS) analysis on “stress.” Results: Physicians answered that they had a significantly higher stress on “at night-time/holidays and weekends works” than nurses (p < 0.05). Nurses experienced significantly more stress during “inter-professional collaboration” than physicians (p < 0.01). CS analysis revealed that nurses experienced more stress for items such as “having patients with dementia self-inject correctly,” etc. Both physicians and nurses evaluated QOL items at a high frequency. Majority of physicians and nurses held high “expectations to pharmacists,” particularly for the eight items related to providing information, managing drugs, and making pharmacological judgments. Nurses had significantly high expectations to pharmacists for “management of supplements taken by the patient” (p < 0.01), “explaining drug effects” (p < 0.001), and “explaining the necessity of prescription revision” (p < 0.01). Discussion: Pharmacists should utilize information on physicians and nurses’ stress as well as understand their expectations to pharmacists to facilitate stronger coordination between both professions and contribute to patient care. In particular, many items were found to cause stress, indicating that support for nurses, who have many expectations to pharmacists, needs to be enhanced.