杉本 孝一 塩之入 洋 井上 幸愛 金子 好宏
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.73, no.1, pp.66-70, 1984-01-10 (Released:2008-06-12)
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少量の甘草摂取により,低カリウム血性筋症をきたした偽アルドステロン症と思われる1例を経験した.本症例は,著明な筋力低下と知覚障害を呈し,血清カリウム低値および筋逸脱酵素活性の著しい上昇から,低カリウム血性筋症が疑われ,カリウム補充療法を受けた後,入院した.低カリウム血症の原因として,既往歴から,消化管からのカリウム喪失は否定的であつた.内分泌学的検査では,甲状腺機能正常,尿中17-KS, 17-OHCS値正常であつた.一方,血奨レニン活性は低下していたが,血中アルドステロン値は比較的低値ながら正常範囲であり,原発性アルドステロン症も否定された.薬剤服用歴において,甘草製剤の服用は否定されたが,「仁丹」の長期摂取歴があり,以上の検査所見,および「仁丹」摂取の既往から,本剤に少量ながら含まれる甘草による偽アルドステロン症が,本症例の低カリウム血症の原因であると考えられる,本症例の「仁丹」摂取量から換算すると1日あたりのグリチルリチン摂取量は20mg程度であると思われる.かかる少量の甘草摂取により偽アルドステロン症を生じ,これにより,低カリウム血性筋症をきたした症例はまれと考えられ,また,同時にグリチルリチン負荷試験を行ない得たので,この結果をあわせて報告する.
小田 寿 高木 信嘉 常田 康夫 矢花 真知子 金子 好宏
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.30, no.2, pp.221-225, 1988-02-25 (Released:2010-07-05)

It has been reported that rifampicin attenuates an effect of corticosteroid. We observed nonresponsiveness to prednisolone treatment during rifampicin administration in a case of adult nephrotic syndrome. A 21 years old man had the onset of facial edema and ascites in and was diagnosed as nephrotic syndrome (minimal change) at a certain hospital. He was treated with prednisolone and obtained complete remission. He had the complaint of chest pain in May 1984, and was transfered to our hospital. We diagnosed him as nephrotic syndrome and tuberculous pleuritis. We administered him isoniazid 300 mg/day, rifampicin 450 mg/ day, streptomycin 3 g/week and prednisolone 30 mg/day. His urinary protein was not decreased. Subsequently, we administered him predonisolone 60 mg/day. But his urinary protein was not changed. We thought that rifampicin might attenuate the effect of pre-dnisolone. After rifampicin was discontinued, urinary protein was decreased rapidly. He obtained complete remission and was discharged from our hospital. It was reported that a patient with Addison's disease required increased corticosteroid dosage whilst receiving rifampicin and had cortisol catabolism following hepatic microzomal enzyme induction by rifampicin. Our case of nephrotic syndrome showed the nonresponsi-veness to prednisolone treatment during rifampicin administration. The corticosteroid is essential to treatment of nephrotic syndrome and collagen disease, and rifampicin is an important drug in treatment of tuberculosis. We should pay attension to drug interac-tion between corticosteroid and rifampicin in the cases with combination of these drugs.