関 要次郎
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.11, no.5, pp.320-325, 2002-05-20

前世紀末より,人工内耳は内耳性聾の聴力回復法として大きな成果をあげている.障害された内耳(蝸牛)に代わって電気的に蝸牛神経を刺激し,コミュニケーションを可能とするもので,コンピューター技術による一種の人工臓器である.この技術を応用し,人工内耳の無効な蝸牛神経(第1次ニューロン)障害による聾に対し,聴力を回復しようとするのが,聴性脳幹インプラント(ABI)である.脳幹の蝸牛神経核で第2次ニューロンを刺激するが,基本的な装置の構造は人工内耳と同様で,刺激電極の形状のみが異なる.ABIの適応症例は,両側の蝸牛神経障害による聾,したがってその大部分が神経線維腫症第2型である.ABIはすでに世界で百数十例に実施され,人工内耳の発達とともに改良が加えられ,その聴取能を少しでも人工内耳に近づけるべく努力が続いている.このなかで現在期待されているのが,非刺激電極による神経活動のモニター法(neural response telemetry)の導入や,蝸牛神経核への深部電極の使用などである.
石山 陽事 白井 康之 野沢 胤美 関 要次郎 本間 伊佐子 江部 充
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
医用電子と生体工学 (ISSN:00213292)
vol.28, no.2, pp.113-121, 1990 (Released:2011-10-14)

This study presented the available effects of Source Derivation (SD) method for detecting the focal EEG, from the model experiments which were compared the traditional monopolar derivation with SD method, and also from the clinical recording for the patients, Signal dipole and EEG noise dipole embeded in a spherical volume conducted covered with three layer shells corresponding to neural tissue, skull and scalp, were used for the model. The following conclusions were obtained. 1) It was proved by the model experiment that SD method was useful for the detection of focal signal dipole potential on cortical surface. 2) SD method was useful to detect the signal not only in the cortical surface but also in the deep cortical area, when the reference electrode angle of SD method was smaller to the active electrode (α=10°-20°), that is, the distance of electrodes on scalp surface was about 1.6-3.2cm. 3) SD method was applied to the patients with focal spikes. The localization of the focal spike was more clear than the traditional ear reference monopolar recording. S/N to back ground EEG also was improved very well. 4) Identification of the location generated of primary responses in somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) by electrical stimulation of median nerve was tried by using the SD method with intererectrode distance of 2cm, and consequently the central sulcus and cortical primary sensory area were identified from the phase-reversal of SEP on the scalp.