関口 英男
英学史研究 (ISSN:03869490)
vol.1996, no.28, pp.29-41, 1995 (Released:2009-09-16)

I discovered several old Japanese tombs even in the North East of England. Some were tombs of Japanese students who died accidentally without seeing their homeland again.Bysaku Fukao was one of the unfortunate. He fell from the dock at Middlesbrough and drowned at the age of 18, on 14th November 1873. He was engaged as an articled pupil with Dixon and Company, Shipbuilding firm and studied at Walworth House College, Darlington at the same time. He was buried in Darlington West Cemetry.Katsu Iwamoto was another. His tomb was found in St. John's Church Cemetry in Newcastle. His name was listed in the “List of Students” of Durham University Calendar 1877-78. He was a naval cadet when he was ordered by the Ministry of Imperial Japanese Navy to study gun manufacturing. But unfortunately he contracted tuberculosis and died four months later at the age of 20, on 21st June 1877.With these predecessors' great effort the modern industrial Japan was created.