清水 敦彦 板場 昌栄 兵藤 友妃子 石川 悦代 木村 恵子 石崎 優美 新井 真麻 藤原 五月 齋藤 美希 石原 寿美子 関口 久美子 阿部 奈美子
足利短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:03893278)
vol.27, no.1, pp.15-25, 2007-03-01

Fundamental life habits are five items, "eating", "sleeping", "excretion", "purity", "attach or detach" in the field of developmental psychology. We studied eating of children and infants for long years, and reported on No.27 of Memoirs of Ashikaga Junior College, 2006. In this paper, we studied on sleeping of children and infants. It is thought in general that sleeping training of infants starts with making infants recognizing of distinguishing day from night. After about 4 months after their birth, infants starts to sleep deeply in night. When infants are just born, they spend a day as repeating sleeping and waking many times. But about 4 weeks after their birth, they recognize day from night. Then, it is good to start sleeping training after about 4 months from their birth. We did questionnaires about sleeping training of infants of urban areas and compared our data to old data of sleeping training of infants.