中岡 寛 須田 和裕 西原 明法
ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集 : スポーツ工学シンポジウム : シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス : symposium on sports engineering : symposium on human dynamics
vol.2000, pp.204-208, 2000-11-08

For rising competition abilities, it is important to do feedback of player's characteristics in or after the game. In this study, We abstracted and resolved characteristic of movement excursion from beginners and experts. Because of feedback of movement excursion will be able to contribute to cradling of players. In the present analysis method, player's information on the position was gotten by estimation with eyes and using recorded videotape. But, these methods are not objective judge and take enormous time as it is unable to do feedback subjective information right after the game. Therefore, We carried out REAL-TIME DIFFERNCE IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM developed by Nishihara et al. With this trace analysis system, We estimated the position information of the actual coat of badminton players on the screen in real time. Game was arranged by separately the beginner and expert group of university students, and organized with 11 points match game. From these games, the data including time of rest period as interval of rally, work period as rally, distance of mobility and velocity of mobility were collected. In view of the analytical results in the games, it was clarified that, comparing the expert group with the beginner group, there was no difference in velocity of left-right mobility direction, but the former moved more rapidly in before-behind mobility direction than the latter. As a result of comparing between beginners' and experts' staying time at the court divided into 6×6 segments, the former stayed much longer at the left side in front of the court and the latter stayed longer at the both side in back of the court in significant. Beginners took rest period significantly longer than experts, however there was not difference during work period. Also, movement of excursion, when got and lost points, made players' weak-points obvious easily. Our study shows that this system is effective for improving competition abilities as players can get momently their characteristics of excursion after the game immediately.
須田 和裕
研究紀要 (ISSN:02884844)
vol.24, pp.1-5, 1991-03-31

インスリンの脂肪分解抑制作用に対するトレーニング効果およびそのアデノシンとの関係をラット脂肪細胞を用いて検討した。その結果は次のようであった。1. ノルアドレナリンに対する脂肪分解反応はトレーニング群で有意に増強した。2. ノルアドレナリンの最大刺激に対するインスリンの脂肪分解抑制ではトレーリング群でインスリンに対する感受性が高まった。3. アデノシンをアデノシンディアミナーゼで除去すると, 90%のノルアドレナリン刺激に対するインスリンの抑制はトレーニング群でみられたものの, コントロール群ではみられなかった。4. さらにアデノシン非存在下で最大刺激のノルアドレナリンに対するインスリンの抑制は両群ともにみられなかった。これらのことからアデノシン存在下ではトレーニングによってインスリンに対する感受性は高まると考えられるものの, アデノシン非存在下ではトレーニング効果を認めるに足る明白な証拠は得られなかったと考えられた。