衞藤 光明 加藤 博史 佐々木 次雄 佐々木 裕子 徳永 英博 岩崎 浩子 須田 郁夫
Journal of Toxicologic Pathology (ISSN:09149198)
vol.6, no.2, pp.233-240, 1993-09-30 (Released:2009-01-22)

Thimerosal (ethylmercuric thiosalicylic acid, sodium salt) in an organic mercury compound which has been used as a preservative in some vaccines and human immunoglobulin products for intramuscular use. This study was designed to examine the safety of thimerosal for mice. Thimerosal solutions of 0.2 ml at 0.01% (the concentration used in vaccines) or at 0.1% were injected twice a week into the intraperitoneal (IP) cavity or subcutaneous (SC) tissue of BALB/c mice. Clinical signs and symptoms such as crossing hind legs were observed in animals injected more than 17 times with the 0.1% thimerosal solution (total thimerosal dose; 70μg Hg/g body weight) into the IP cavity. But the IP administrations of 0.01% thimerosal did not effect the animals even after 35 injections, nor the SC administrations at any dose. At autopsy, nervous system, kidney, liver, heart, lung, spleen, intestine, and skin were examined under light-microscopy with hematoxylin and eosin stain and mercury-histochemistry by photoemulsion method. Peritonitis was observed in all animals that received IP injections with 0.1% thimerosal. Mercury granules were present in the kidney and spleen of the animals receiving IP injections of 7μg Hg/g body weight. Histochemically, mildly positive reaction to mercury was detected in the brain and the liver in the same group of mice. No peritonitis was found in this group of mice. The positive results observed in this series of experiments were obtained only with multiple injections of the high dose thimerosal solution. No toxic effects were found with the 0.01% dosis, which is the same concentration used in commercial vaccines. Thimerosal administered in mice was biotransformed into inorganic mercury, and it was readily degradated into inorganic mercury by four well-known reactive oxygen-producing systems, and the amounts of inorganic mercury produced from thimerosal were the same as those from ethyl mercury and were higher than those from methyl mercury.
西場 洋一 須田 郁夫 沖 智之 菅原 晃美
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.54, no.6, pp.295-303, 2007
4 6

(1) 全国各地で栽培された大豆20品種・31検体のイソフラボン,ビタミン類を分析した結果,イソフラボン総量は131.6~568.7mg/100gdwの範囲で変動しており,平均値は302.9mg/100gdw, 変動係数は40.7%であった.それぞれの栽培地において,イソフラボンは品種の違いで最も大きく変動する傾向にあった.イソフラボンの組成はマロニル配糖体が全体の72.9~87.6%を占め最も多く,アセチル配糖体,アグリコンは微量であった.アグリコンの組成はGenisteinの比率が高い傾向にあった.イソフラボン総量に占めるアグリコンの割合は平均して53.9%であり,イソフラボン総量とアグリコン換算値との間には極めて高い相関関係が認められた.<BR>(2)α-トコフェロール当量(ビタミンE)は,全国の大豆において3.4~13.3mg/100gdwの範囲で変動し,平均値は5.6mg/100gdw, 変動係数は40.5%であった.4つの同族体の中でα-,β-トコフェロールの変動が大きく,各栽培地で共通した傾向であった.特にα-トコフェロール含量はビタミンEとしての生物学的効力を表すα-トコフェロール当量と相関が高く,大豆のビタミンEがα-トコフェロールの変動により大きく支配されている実態が示された.チアミンは0.55~0.89mg/100gdw, リボフラビンは0.21~0.30mg/100gdwの範囲で変動していた.平均値はそれぞれ0.71mg/100gdw, 0.23mg/100gdw, 変動係数は13.0%,10.3%であり,イソフラボン,α-トコフェロール当量に比べると変動は小さかった.<BR>(3)九州地方の基幹品種である「フクユタカ」について,九州地域11箇所で栽培された大豆を収集し成分分析を行った結果,全国大豆の分析結果と同様,イソフラボンとα-,β-トコフェロールの変動が大きく,チアミン,リボフラビンの変動は小さい傾向であった.