高久 清吉
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1964, no.9, pp.38-56, 1964-04-30 (Released:2010-01-22)

According to Herbart the overall aim of moral education is thegrowth of the concept of morality. How does this amplification take place ? With this consideration in mind Herbart tells us that he directed his attention to the necessary premiss of the concept of morality and concluded that it was Geschmacksurteil (taste judgement). The first half of this paper surveys the originality which underlies Herbart's moral system and gives the gist of his theory.In the second part of this paper, by means of Natorp's criticism of Herbart, attention is focused on this taste theory, and the characteristics of Herbart's logic are investigated more closely. Natorp summarizes the essence of this logic as one that denies the autonomy of the moral will since morality founded on taste is a morality founded on feeling. Herbart replies to Natorp's criticism and concludes that it is not to the point to say that it is (mere) feeling. He emphasies moral freedom and rationality since the essence of taste-judgement is something rational, not merely sensible.