重枝 未玲 寺町 賢一 碇 正敬 高崎 秀一 松木 洋忠 秋山 壽一郎 中山 比佐雄 田邉 武司
公益社団法人 土木学会
水工学論文集 (ISSN:09167374)
no.52, pp.829-834, 2008

An analysis of behavior of over-land flows based on geophysical characteristics using geographic information system (GIS) was conducted. Firstly, the digital surface model (DSM), which is the data of the surface of ground, was verified against the data of bed elevation in the map of the city planning whose scale is 1/2500. Secondary, using digital surface model, a behavior of over-land flow was analyzed. Finally, the analyzed behavior of over-land flow was compared with the flood process examined in the field study and numerical simulation. It shows that the GIS and DSM are useful tool and data for examining the behavior of the inundation flows.