高桑 浩一
学習院大学人文科学論集 (ISSN:09190791)
no.13, pp.105-127, 2004-10-31

In two papers published in l982, Taryo Obayashi(1929-2001)pointed out that some common features exist betWeen the myths aboutんnewakahiko or/Vi8ihayahi, who are regarded as heretical gods in Japanese sovereignty myths, and myths about the founders of ancient Korean dynasties like Ko8ut yo or Silla. In血is paper, reexa血ning the Obayas㎞’sstudy,1 restructured the common features of these myths as follows: 1)The heroes of these myths are connected with Heaven by ascending there after death. But, at the same time, they are connected with Earth in that their dead bodies or articles left behind are buried. 2)Their bows and arrows are the symbols of their status as Heaven-God. These articles also have a function as regalia, which is what any successor of sovereignty should own. What awakens our interest is that these features are not clearly found in the myths of H∂ηo痂’8’, who is considered as the legitimate successor of sovereignty of Japan in“KOjiki”or“Nihonshoki”. This fact shows the complex nature of the influence on Japanese myths from Korean Peninsula.
高桑 浩一
学習院大学人文科学論集 (ISSN:09190791)
no.13, pp.105-127, 2004

In two papers published in l982, Taryo Obayashi(1929-2001)pointed out that some common features exist betWeen the myths aboutんnewakahiko or/Vi8ihayahi, who are regarded as heretical gods in Japanese sovereignty myths, and myths about the founders of ancient Korean dynasties like Ko8ut yo or Silla. In血is paper, reexa血ning the Obayas㎞'sstudy,1 restructured the common features of these myths as follows: 1)The heroes of these myths are connected with Heaven by ascending there after death. But, at the same time, they are connected with Earth in that their dead bodies or articles left behind are buried. 2)Their bows and arrows are the symbols of their status as Heaven-God. These articles also have a function as regalia, which is what any successor of sovereignty should own. What awakens our interest is that these features are not clearly found in the myths of H∂ηo痂'8', who is considered as the legitimate successor of sovereignty of Japan in"KOjiki"or"Nihonshoki". This fact shows the complex nature of the influence on Japanese myths from Korean Peninsula.