髙橋 公太
一般社団法人 日本臓器保存生物医学会
Organ Biology (ISSN:13405152)
vol.29, no.2, pp.90-106, 2022 (Released:2022-08-08)

In this 21st century, when science has advanced and democracy has permeated, there are untrustful natural and man-made disasters for us human beings. One of them is the pandemic of COVID-19, and the other is the invasion of Ukraine by force that does not have justice of Russia. What is common as a solution to these two events is that the International Organizations that control them have become ruins and their functions cannot be fully demonstrated.The period background is similar to the period before the outbreak of World War I and II. If the worst happens, it will be World War III, and if it becomes a nuclear war, humanity will be ruined. It is the wisdom of humanity that can solve these problems.This time, I would like to consider COVID-19, which affects about 500 million people worldwide as of April 2022, of which about 6 million people die.About two years have passed since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Exposed to the ideological conflict between democracy and tyranny, the globalization of large corporations beyond national frameworks, economic disparities, the structural complex problems of society and the wave of commercialization, COVID-19 pandemics that began with natural disasters are replacing man-made disasters.During this time, there has been little progress other than the development of vaccines. And its basic policy is no different from the extension of Albert Camus’s “La Peste” lockdown policy in 1947. Under such a passive policy, Japan’s economy will stall and be removed from the framework of the seven developed countries. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to quickly switch to a simple active policy.