城 智彦 勝谷 隆 猪子 嘉生 大塚 正 鹿内 喜佐男 高橋 睦子 豊島 照雄 森川 修次
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.13, no.3, pp.88-99,170-171, 1964

広島県下のかきのむき身業者の間に近年喘息様疾患が多発している.私どもはこれにかきの打ち子喘息と命名して研究し, 次の結果をえた.1.本症は1951年頃より発生して以後年々増加する傾向があり, 県下全域の養殖場にひろく分布し, 各地域とも20%をこえる発生率を示した.打ち子の年令, 性別は本症の発生と関係なく, 発病までの従業期間は5年以内のものが過半数をしめた.2.本症の症状はかき打ちに従事した場合にのみ発生し, かき打ちの季節外や, 作業を休んだ時には無症状である.症状により4型をわけたが, 2型, 3型, 4C型, 4D型などの病型に属するものが多く, 1型, 4A型, 4B型などは少なかった.また発病後の経過年数の短かいものには軽症型, 長いものには重症型が多かった.Spirometryでは発作時に一般の喘息同様, 閉塞性の呼吸障害の存在がうかがわれた.3.本症患者はホヤ抗原液に対して特異的に高い皮膚反応性を示し, その一部では同抗原液の吸入により喘息様症状が誘発された.また本症患者血清による.P-K反応は陽性であった.これらのことから本症はホヤ体液による吸入性, アレルギー性喘息であると推定される.4.ホヤ類(特にシロボヤ, エボヤ)の付着状況と本症発生状況の間には密接な関係がある.戦後筏式養殖法が普及し, かき殻にホヤの付着をみるようになったことが, 近年になって本症の発生をもたらした原因と考えられる.5.蕁麻疹の既往のあるもの, 血族に喘息のあるものは, そうでない者に比して本症にかかりやすい.6.かき打ちに際して眼あるいは皮膚に〓痒感を訴えるものがあった.7.本症の治療にはホヤ抗原液による減感作が全症例において有効で, 一般の喘息剤も対症的には有効であった.8.ホヤ体液の吸入を防止すれば, 本症の発生は相当程度防げるものと思われる.
光井 庄太郎 鹿内 喜佐男
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.18, no.3, pp.198-212,241, 1969-03-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

According to the histories of the patients with bronchial asthma the factors involved in the occurrence of asthmatic attack were investigated and the following results were obtained. 1. Analysis of the season and occurrence of asthematic attack studied on 237 cases revealed that 55 had the attack in autumn, 52 regardless of the season, 31 in winter and 25 in both spring and autumn. 2. Of 685 asthmatics, the causes of the first asthmatic attack were presumed in 464 cases. They were common cold occurred in 245 cases, revealing the highest incidence, inhalation of sea-squirt substances in 80, pneumonia in 22, acute bronchitis in 17, fatigue in 14, cold and pregnancy in 11 each. Of 673 asthmatics, the causes or the inducing factors of asthmatic attack after the onset of bronchial asthma were presumed in 567 cases. They were related to: 1) physical conditions in 352 (common cold and influenza in 229, fatigue in 126, overeating in 34, psychic tension in 24, bathing in 19, etc.);. 2) weather in 222 (cold in 84, rainy day in 63, cloudy day in 33, sudden change in weather in 29, humid day in 21, etc.); 3) dust in 173 (sea-squirt substances in 83, house dust in 78, cotton wool in 9, etc.); 4) smoke and offensive odor in 91 (cigarette smoke in 38, smoke of mosquito stick and smoke of broiling fish in 9 each.) 5) food and drink in 79 (wine in 30, vegetable foods in 26, animal foods in 20, fatty foods in 9, etc.) ; 6) drugs in 9 (ACTH in 3, aspirin in 2, etc.) ; 7) animals in 6 (contact with domestic. animals in 4, furs and feathers in 2) ; 8) plants in 5 (newly-bult house in 3, pollen in 2); 9) molds in 5 (aspergillus in 2, other molds in 3). 3. The causes or the inducing factors of asthmatic attack above mentioned were studied as follows: l) those relating to the psychic and physical conditions were investigated from the view-point of the autonomic nervous function and the endocrine glands; 2) those relating to the infection of the upper respiratory tract were investigated from the view-point of bacterial allergy; 3) those relating to the inhalants and ingestants were investigated by the skin test with these substances; and the significant results were obtained from each of them. 4. The incidence rate of positive reaction in the intradermal test was 51.2% with house dust antigen, 41.8% with Paspat, 21.6% with ragweed pollen antigen, 15.5% with the mixed antigen of crab, lobster and oyster, 15.5% with sea-squirt antigen (except sea-squirt asthma patients), 11.8% with mixed antigen of cat hair and dog hair, 11.2% with yam antigen.