Akihiko Shinohara Yu Kato
独立行政法人 国立科学博物館
国立科学博物館研究報告A類(動物学) (ISSN:18819052)
vol.49, no.4, pp.155-159, 2023-11-22 (Released:2023-11-22)

Based on the material obtained in Kôshû City, Yamanashi Prefecture, Honshu, observations on the oviposition and results of the rearing experiments of Pamphilius benesi Shinohara, 1985, are presented, the life history of this sawfly is outlined, and the immature stages and the larval leaf-rolls are briefly described and illustrated.
Hideho Hara Shinichi Ibuki Akihiko Shinohara
National Museum of Nature and Sciece
国立科学博物館研究報告A類(動物学) (ISSN:18819052)
vol.49, no.2, pp.57-74, 2023-05-22 (Released:2023-05-22)

Nematus yokohamensis (Konow, 1895) is redescribed. Pristiphora geniculata (Hartig, 1840) is recorded from Japan (Hokkaido and Honshu) for the first time. New distribution records within Japan are Nematus yokohamensis from Kyushu and Pristiphora conjugata (Dahlbom, 1835) from Hokkaido. New host plant records are given for Abia fasciata (Linné, 1758), Athalia yanoi Takeuchi, 1952, Macrophya fascipennis Takeuchi, 1933, M. katayamai Shinohara, 2020, M. timida Smith, 1874, Mesoneura shishikuensis Togashi, 1965, Nematus japonicus (Takeuchi, 1921), N. yokohamensis, Perineura okutanii Takeuchi, 1959, P. pictipennis Takeuchi, 1959, Pristiphora geniculata, Profenusa thomsoni (Konow, 1886) and Taxonus japonicus Takeuchi, 1929. Additional information on the larval food plant is given for Nesoselandria morio (Fabricius, 1781). The larvae of Fagineura glabella Hara, 2022, Macrophya fascipennis, M. katayamai, M. timida, Mesoneura shishikuensis, Nematus yokohamensis, Perineura okutanii, P. pictipennis and Taxonus japonicus are figured and briefly described for the first time.
Akihiko Shinohara Akihiko Watanabe
National Museum of Nature and Sciece
国立科学博物館研究報告A類(動物学) (ISSN:18819052)
vol.48, no.1, pp.25-27, 2022-02-22 (Released:2022-02-22)

A collection record of Cephalcia antennata Shinohara, 1994, from Ochiai-toge, Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, is given. This is the second specimen of the species ever known and represents the first distribution record from Shikoku. Corrections are made to the description and key by Shinohara (1994, 2020).
Hideho Hara Shinichi Ibuki Akihiko Shinohara
National Museum of Nature and Sciece
国立科学博物館研究報告A類(動物学) (ISSN:18819052)
vol.47, no.4, pp.163-188, 2021-11-22 (Released:2021-11-22)

Two larch sawflies, Euura imperfecta (Zaddach, 1876) and E. itoi (Okutani, 1955) (Tenthredinidae), are redescribed. New distribution records are: Arge similis (Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1860) (Argidae) from Amami-Oshima Island and Phylloecus etorofensis (Takeuchi, 1955) (Cephidae), Apareophora nebuta Togashi, 1964, Ardis pallipes (Serville, 1823), Eriocampopsis subtruncata Takeuchi, 1952, Eutomostethus pumicosus Seiyama, 1981, Stethomostus babai Togashi, 1984 and Tomostethus nigritus (Fabricius, 1804) (Tenthredinidae) from Hokkaido. Information on the distribution of Phymatocera nipponica Togashi, 1958 (Tenthredinidae) is given. New host records are Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Rosaceae) for Sterictiphora nipponica Takeuchi, 1939 (Argidae), Alnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. (Betulaceae) and Juglans mandshurica Maxim. var. sachalinensis (Komatsu) Kitam. (Juglandaceae) for Tremex apicalis Matsumura, 1912 (Siricidae), Actinidia polygama (Siebold et Zucc.) Planch. ex Maxim. (Actinidiaceae), Symplocarpus renifolius Schott ex Tzvelev. (Araceae) and Impatiens textorii Miq. (Balsaminaceae) for Aglaostigma albicinctum (Takeuchi, 1953) (Tenthredinidae), Sanguisorba officinalis L. (Rosaceae) for Allantus meridionalis (Takeuchi, 1933) (Tenthredinidae), Quercus serrata Murray (Fagaceae) for Apethymus kunugi Togashi, 2005 (Tenthredinidae), Sanguisorba officinalis L. (Rosaceae) for Corymbas nipponica Takeuchi, 1936 (Tenthredinidae), Alnus hirsuta (Spach) Turcz. ex Rupr. var. hirsuta (Betulaceae) for Masaakia longivaginata Takeuchi, 1950 (Tenthredinidae), Rubus hirsutus Thunb. (Rosaceae) for Metallus albipes (Cameron, 1875) (Tenthredinidae), Rubus microphyllus L.f. (Rosaceae) for Metallus pumilus (Klug, 1816) (Tenthredinidae), Rubus parvifolius L. (Rosaceae) for Monophadnoides montanus Togashi, 1980 (Tenthredinidae) and Corylus sieboldiana Blume var. sieboldiana (Betulaceae) for Pristiphora fulviceps Takeuchi, 1933 (Tenthredinidae), Actinidia polygama (Siebold et Zucc.) Planch. ex Maxim. (Actinidiaceae) and Glechoma hederacea L. subsp. grandis (A. Gray) H. Hara (Lamiaceae) for Siobla ferox (Smith, 1874) (Tenthredinidae), Impatiens textorii Miq. (Balsaminaceae) and Circaea mollis Siebold et Zucc. (Onagraceae) for Siobla japonica Shinohara, Wei & Niu, 2013 (Tenthredinidae) and Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. var. japonica (Miq.) Nakai (Rosaceae) for Taxonus shinoharai Togashi, 2009 (Tenthredinidae). Information on the host plants of Strongylogaster moiwana Matsumura, 1912 (Tenthredinidae) is given. The larvae of Sterictiphora nipponica, Aglaostigma albicinctum, Allantus meridionalis, Apethymus kunugi, Corymbas nipponica, Masaakia longivaginata, Monophadnoides montanus, Siobla ferox, Siobla japonica, Strongylogaster moiwana and Taxonus shinoharai are briefly described and their color photographs are given for the first time.
Akihiko Shinohara David R. Smith
National Museum of Nature and Sciece
国立科学博物館研究報告A類(動物学) (ISSN:18819052)
vol.47, no.1, pp.1-5, 2021-02-22 (Released:2021-02-22)

A xiphydriid woodwasp, Indoxiphia prima Smith, 2019, previously known only from Taiwan, is newly recorded from Ashizuri-misaki (Shikoku), Nakanoshima Island (Tokara Islands) and Amami-oshima Island, southern Japan. Its taxonomic characters are summarized, and the species is compared with some other Japanese xiphydriids. This is one of a few xiphydriid species showing a peculiar distribution pattern confined to southeastern coastal areas in Japan. This distribution pattern may have been formed at least partly as a result of dispersal by marine drift.