斉藤 悦子 川谷 旺未 サイトウ エツコ カワタニ アキミ Etsuko SAITO Akimi KAWATANI
vol.38, pp.54-72, 2017-03-31

1860年、南北戦争開戦前夜のアメリカに幕末の日本から遣米使節団が訪れ、そのワシントン到着の様子はニューヨークの主要メディアでも大々的にとりあげられた。その中でもふんだんなイラスト付きで報じたハーパーズ・ウィークリー紙には、一般的な記事のほかにも、風刺漫画や漫談風の記事なども掲載された。本稿は1830年代からアメリカジャーナリズムの中でひとつのジャンルとして人気のあった、架空の「田舎者」的人物がなぜか歴史的瞬間に立ち会って親戚に見聞録の手紙を送る、というスタイルのコラムを訳出、注釈したものである。判読の難しいvernacularで書かれた時事放談を、まず判読して標準英語に直し、注をつけて日本語に訳出した。遣米使節団がニューヨークの庶民に向かってどのように伝えられたか、という資料として紹介したい。 On the Japanese Embassy's arrival in Washington in 1860, various media in New York responded with cover stories and feature articles. In the May 26th issue of Harper's Weekly, a vernacular parody, based on the "Major Jack Downing" letters created by Seba Smith in the 1830s, appeared as a nearly identical letter home written by Major Downing's nephew Benjamin. It is a Forrest Gump-ish account of a young lad suddenly chosen as the master of ceremony to receive the Foreign Embassy. This vernacular letter displays much of how the general public felt on their first contact with the Japanese. Since the vernacular style is difficult to encode and the text is full of political connotations specific to the eve of Civil War, it may be worthwhile to annotate and translate it into Japanese as a source for research on the Japanese Embassy of the Manei era in the late Edo period.
Kunio Yanagisawa Katsuhiko Takara Hiroyuki Suga Akio Saito Toshimasa Hayashi Tsuneo Igarashi Sachi Tomizawa Etsuko Saito Hisako Sumiyoshi Yoshiaki Ohyama Yutaka Tokue Tetsuya Nakamura
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.9691-22, (Released:2022-08-10)

Objective Among treatment options for coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19), well-studied oral medications are limited. We conducted a multicenter non-randomized, uncontrolled single-arm prospective study to assess the efficacy and safety of favipiravir for patients with COVID-19. Methods One hundred participants were sequentially recruited to 2 cohorts: cohort 1 (Day 1: 1,600 mg/day, Day 2 to 14: 600 mg/day, n=50) and cohort 2 (Day 1: 1,800 mg/day, Day 2 to 14: 800 mg/day, n=50). The efficacy endpoint was the negative conversion rate of SARS-CoV-2, and the odds ratio (OR) of cohort 2 to cohort 1 for negative conversion on Day 10 was calculated. Characteristics of all participants and profiles of adverse events (AEs) were collected and analyzed. Results The mean age of participants was 62.8±17.6 years old. Thirty-four patients (34.0%) experienced worsening pneumonia, 7 (7.0%) were intubated, and 4 (4.0%) died during the observation period. Cohort 2 showed a higher negative conversion rate than cohort 1 (adjusted OR 3.32 [95% confidence interval, 1.17 to 9.38], p=0.024), and this association was maintained after adjusting for the age, sex, body mass index, and baseline C-reactive protein level. Regarding adverse events, hyperuricemia was most frequently observed followed by an elevation of the liver enzyme levels (all-grade: 49.0%, Grade ≥3: 12.0%), and cohort 2 tended to have a higher incidence than cohort 1. However, no remarkable association of adverse events was observed between patients <65 and ≥65 years old. Conclusion The antiviral efficacy of favipiravir was difficult to interpret due to the limitation of the study design. However, no remarkable issues with safety or tolerability associated with favipiravir were observed, even in elderly patients with COVID-19.
斉藤 悦子 川谷 旺未 サイトウ エツコ カワタニ アキミ Etsuko SAITO Akimi KAWATANI
vol.38, pp.54-72, 2017-03-31
