鈴木 啓子 平上 久美子 鬼頭 和子 Suzuki Keiko Hirakami Kumiko Kito Kazuko 名桜大学人間健康学部看護学科 Faculty of Human Health Sciences Meio University
名桜大学総合研究 (ISSN:18815243)
no.23, pp.53-62, 2014-03

本研究の目的は,統合失調症患者を対象としハンドマッサージを行い,主観的指標および客観的指標を用いてリラクセーション効果を明らかにすることである。対象者は,民間の精神科病院に長期入院をしている10名の統合失調症患者である。毎回のハンドマッサージ実施前後の脈拍,血圧,「心地よさ」の自己評価点について検討した。又,全ハンドマッサージの介入前後において総合評価尺度を用いて検討した。マッサージ中の対象者の言動については質的に検討した。その結果,リラクセーションの自己評価点については全対象者で有意に得点の上昇が確認され,脈拍については7名,血圧については5名で有意に低下していた。全対象者において,ハンドマッサージが心地よさをもたらす反応がみられ,また,対象者自らが自分の困りごとについて自発的に語りだす等の変化があり,看護師(研究者)と対象者の関係がより良いものになった。以上より,ハンドマッサージは統合失調症患者に効果があることが示唆された。The purpose of this study is to clarify the relaxation effect of hand-massage using both subjective and objective indexes for patients with schizophrenia. The subjects were 10 schizophrenia patients with long-term hospitalization in a private psychiatric hospital. A subjective evaluation survey was conducted on their having "good feelings," pulse rates were taken, and blood pressure was measured before and after each hand-massage. An overall evaluation was also used to examine the patients before and after all massage interventions. Moreover, the behavior of the subjects during the massage was studied qualitatively. The major findings of this study are as follows: (1) relaxation levels significantly increased after hand-massage in all subjects, (2) pulse rates significantly decreased after hand-massage in 7 subjects, (3) blood pressure significantly decreased after hand-massage in 5 subjects, (4) overall evaluation scale did not show significant differences. All subjects were observed to have "good feelings" while receiving hand-massage. They began to talk about feelings and worries voluntarily during hand-massage,and the relationship between the nurses (researchers) and subjects improved. The results suggest that hand-massage is effective on patients with schizophrenia.