石見 衣久子 Iwami Ikuko
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.43, pp.193-205, 2008-12

Dionysiaca was a large-scale epic written by Nonnos of Panopolis in Egypt in the fifth century AD. As the title shows, the main character is Dionysos, who is one of the gods in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. This Greek epic consists of forty-eight books and is over twenty thousand verses in hexameter, which is a meter used for epics. Therefore, considering when it was composed and its scale, Dionysiaca seems to be the last, and the most unique piece of work about Dionysos. This article treats Book VII which is a part of the stories about Dionysos' birth. I translated and annotated v. 106-281 from Greek into Japanese.