中野 潤三 Junzo NAKANO
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.21, pp.1-15, 2015-03-10

The study of security issues during the Cold War era had been centered around national security and on how to protect a nation from external threats using military force. Therefore, the supporters of the current Japanese Constitution and its pacifist ideal have tended to avoid the idea of "national security," which reminds them of the use of military power, and have pitted "pacifism" against it. On the other hand, people who insist Article 9 of the Constitution must be amended, have harshly criticized an absolute pacifism that ignores national security. The pacifism of the Japanese Constitution is a declaration of the renouncement of war, obviously focusing on the classic type of war between states. However, as the concept of security has deepened, I believe that a deeper concept of the Constitution's pacifism should also be developed. If the Constitution were to be amended, I would like to propose adding a statement on "proactive contribution to peace," which would promote human security, to the Preamble to the Constitution. We are faced with a need to improve the entire environment of international security by ensuring a form of human security that helps to prevent terrorism and armed conflicts such as civil war. At the same time, we also need to hold-more than ever-well-balanced discussions dealing with the security of Japan in a practical manner in light of the pacifist ideal of the Japanese Constitution.