OKA Shuichi KANNO Hiromitsu
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan series B (ISSN:18834396)
vol.85, no.1, pp.29-38, 2012 (Released:2012-12-30)
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We studied the relationship between slope processes and plant community structure on the northwestern side of Mt. Fuji. This slope has a stepped microtopography between 2700 and 2950 meters above sea level, with a particularly well-defined structure between 2800 and 2850 m. This stepped microtopography is almost certainly caused by periglacial process and acts as a foundation for the development of islands of plant communities. These communities are concentrated on riser sections of the steps, with virtually no growth on flat, terraced areas. Ground temperature monitoring and paint-line exposure experiments showed that the gravel is unstable on the terraces but stable on the risers. It is proposed that the vegetation distribution is determined by the stability of the surface materials. In addition, variation in snow depth by step component should have an effect on the vegetation distribution. The plant community composition is diverse on the upper slopes; Salix reinii is predominant and mosses are also prominent. The lower slopes are dominated by tree species, including Larix kaempferi and Betula ermanii. L. kaempferi had fewer annual rings with increasing slope elevation, suggesting that populations were established at different times at different altitudes. We predict that primary succession at the tree line has moved to progressively higher elevations on the northwestern slope of Mt. Fuji using the stepped microtopography as a foundation.
NUGROHO Bayu D.A. PRIMA Ardiansyah O.D. KANNO Hiromitsu SAMESHIMA Ryoji FUJII Hiroshi LOPEZ Larry CM.
vol.2013, pp.1-10, 2013-12

Although there has been a high interest to investigate the relationship between climate and crop yields in Indonesia, little evidence is available for crops in highland of the country. This study evaluates the relationships between global climate indices (Southern Oscillation Index, SOI; sea surface temperature, SST) and rain-fed crop yields in Gunungkidul district, highland of South-Central Java. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach was used to summarize the averaged SSTs during planting season for the El Nino monitoring regions: IOBW (Indian Ocean Basin-Wide), Nino.West and Niiio.3. Crops yield of each sub-district of the area was detrended using a 5-year moving average to enhance reliability of the data. For some sub-districts, the first principal component of SSTs was negatively correlated to crop yield residuals of corn and soybean while SOI was positively correlated to that of corn and dryland paddy.インドネシアにおいては気候と農作物収量との関係に高い関心が寄せられているが,高地農業に関しては進展が少ない状況である。本研究では,南方振動指数(SOI)および海水面温度(SST)のグローバル指数とジャワ島南央部に位置するグヌンキドウール地区における天水農作物収量との関係を分析した。3つの地域(IOBW, Niňo.WestおよびNiňo.3)のSSTに対して主成分分折(PCA)を適用し,その代表となる主成分を抽出した。各地域の作物収量データの信頼性を向上させるために,元の収量データとその5年移動平均値から残差を計算し,正規化した。いくつかの地域では,SSTの第1主成分とトウモロコシ・ダイズの残差との間に負の相関を示し,またSOIはトウモロコシ・陸稲の残差との間に正の相関を示すことが明らかとなった。