川又 俊則 寺田 圭吾 Toshinori KAWAMATA Keigo TERADA 鈴鹿短期大学 鈴鹿短期大学 Suzuka Junior College Suzuka Junior College
鈴鹿短期大学紀要 = Journal of Suzuka Junior College (ISSN:13450085)
vol.28, pp.123-147, 2008-01-01

In the Suzuka junior college, there are several male students who acquire Yogo teacher licenses every year after the co-education in 1992. But, it does not necessarily get used to a Yogo teacher. First of all, male Yogo teachers are only less than 1% in this country. In the health management center of our college, it became arrangement of every one man and woman from the current fiscal year. In this article working record and narrative of a male assistant are analyzed, and it is considered as the start which considers the problem of a Yogo teacher and gender. As for this case, Yogo teacher does not have a gender difference as well as other precedence researches, and the usefulness of arrangement was shown.