Anawat SUPPASRI Panon LATCHAROTE Tanuspong POKAVANICH Khaled AL-SALEM Abdullah Al-Enezi Shinji TODA Fumihiko IMAMURA
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) (ISSN:18842399)
vol.72, no.2, pp.I_1675-I_1680, 2016 (Released:2016-11-15)

The Arabian Gulf (also known as Persian Gulf) region is one of the most important oil producers to fuel the world and most of the population is located along the coasts. The present study aimed, for the first time, to carry out some preliminary assessment of the tsunami hazards in the Arabian Gulf region using numerical model. This study tsunamis generated by submarine earthquakes with the earthquake magnitude (Mw) of 8.3-9.0 along the Makran Subduction Zone (MSZ) and surface landslides with the volume of 0.5-1.0 km3 along Iranian coast inside the Arabian Gulf. TUNAMI model was applied in this study to predict the tsunami propagation. The model adopts the staggered leap-frog scheme to solve shallow water equations describing nonlinear long-wave theory. GEBCO 30 arc-second grid data was used as bathymetry and topography data for tsunami numerical simulation. This size of the computational grid was ascertained by many previous studies for its suitability in evaluating tsunami hazards in this region. For surface landslides, tsunami generation was simulated using a two-layer numerical model developed by solving nonlinear long-wave equations within two interfacing layers with appropriate kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions at seabed, interface, and water surface. In case of the earthquakes along MSZ, Mw 8.3 has low impact to locations inside the Arabian Gulf. Mw 8.6 has considerable impact mainly at the Gulf entrance meanwhile Mw 9.0 has high impact at the Gulf entrance and negligible impact for the whole Gulf region. In case of the surface landslides inside the Arabian Gulf, the impact is rather local but major near the sources. Detailed estimation of landslide volume, tsunami simulation using very fine topography and bathymetry data and coupling tide and tsunami wave modeling will be considered for the future works.