金城 やす子 Kinjo Yasuko 名桜大学人間健康学部看護学科
名桜大学紀要 (ISSN:18824412)
no.19, pp.97-104, 2014

幼児の睡眠の実態を明らかにするため,保育園通園児の保護者を対象に質問紙調査を行った。3~5歳児の保護者1064名の回答を処理した。幼児の睡眠では21時までに就寝すると回答したものは3歳児で85名(25.9%), 4歳児108名(27.8%), 5歳児84名(30.1%)と約3割は適切な時間に就寝していた。また21時~22時の睡眠は各年齢ともに60%程度であり,約9割の幼児の就寝時間は適切な範囲にあると考えられる。睡眠潜時(就床から入眠までの時間)では平均23分,最小値は1分から最大120分の回答があった。睡眠と不定愁訴では「疲れた様子がある(からだがだるそう)」は起床時間,睡眠持続時間に有意な差がみられたが, 「朝の寝起きが悪い」 「気分にむらがある」 「落ち着きがない」 「保育園に行きたがらない」の4項目については,就寝時間が21時~22時の子どもとそれ以外の時間に就寝する子どもにおいて有意な差がみられた。また保護者の生活リズムに関する意識調査では約9割の保護者は規則的な生活が送れていると考えていた。保護者の意識と子どもの就寝時間との関連では21時までに就寝する子どもでは95%, 22時までは85%, 22時以降は43%が規則的な生活ができていると認識されていた。子どもの生活における睡眠行動としては,寝つきの良さ・目覚めの良さ・就寝時間が重要であることが示唆された。l conducted a questionnaire survey to the parents of nursery school children in order to reveal the actual conditions of the infants' sleep behaviors. I processed 1064 answers from parents who had three- to five-year-old children. Regarding the infants' sleep behaviors, 85 (25.9%) parents of the three-year-olds, 108 (27.8%) of the four-year-olds, and 84 (30.1%) of the five-year-olds replied that their children would go to bed by 21:00. The result shows that about 30% of the infants would go to bed at an appropriate time. Moreover, 60% of the infants of each age would go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00, which suggests that 90% of the infants sleep for a proper amount of time. The infants' average sleep latency was 23 minutes, minimum 1 minute and maximum 120 minutes. Concerning the infants' sleep behaviors and general malaise, there were five behaviors affected by the time the infants woke up and the duration they slept : "looking tired, "waking up in a bad mood, "having a mood swing, "being restless, and "not wanting to go to nursery school." There was a meaningful difference between the infants who would go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00 and those at different times. In the attitude survey on the parents' life rhythm, about 90% thought that they were leading a systematic life. Concerning the relationship between the parents' awareness and the time their children went to bed, 95% of the infants who go to bed by 21:00 were recognized as leading a systematic life, 85% by 22:00, and 43% after 22:00. This study suggests that the time when infants go to bed is the most important issue among infants' sleep behaviors and their life rhythm.