Longle CHENG Xiaofeng LI Haibo TAN He ZHAO Bin YU
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications (ISSN:09168516)
vol.E107-B, no.1, pp.185-196, 2024-01-01

Blockchain systems rely on peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks to propagate transactions and blocks. The node management of P2P networks affects the overall performance and reliability of the system. The traditional structure is based on random connectivity, which is known to be an inefficient operation. Therefore, we propose MSLT, a multiscale blockchain P2P network node management method to improve transaction performance. This approach involves configuring the network to operate at multiple scales, where blockchain nodes are grouped into different ranges at each scale. To minimize redundancy and manage traffic efficiently, neighboring nodes are selected from each range based on a predetermined set of rules. Additionally, a node updating method is implemented to improve the reliability of the network. Compared with existing transmission models in efficiency, utilization, and maximum transaction throughput, the MSLT node management model improves the data transmission performance.