林 薫 Shichijo Akehisa Mifune Kumato Matsuo Sachiko Wada Yoshito Mogi Motoyoshi Itch Tatsuya
熱帯医学 (ISSN:03855643)
vol.15, no.4, pp.214-224, 1973-12

Serial surveys on the ecology of Japanese encephalitis virus in Nagasaki area were made during from 1969 to 1971. In total, 11,229 hibernated female mosquitoes of Culex tritaeniorhynchus were caught in early spring every year for virus isolation, however it was unsuccessful. The significant increase of hemagglutination inhibition antibody possessing rate in the sera of slaughtered pigs in early spring was not found in these three years. Virus isolations from the vector mosquitoes in epidemic season were made from 1st to 26th of August in 1969, from 19th of July to 16th of August in 1970 and from 13th to 27th of July in 1971, respectively. Although the isolation efficiencies were not remarkably different at the highest level in a certain limited period in epidemic season during the years 1964 to 1971, the periods for JE virus isolation from the vector mosquitoes became shorter in the years from 1968 to 1971 than from 1964 to 1967. It was considered as one of the reasons that the number of the vector mosquitoes was smaller during the epizootic from 1968 to 1971 than from 1964 to 1967. Subsequently, it was noted that the encephalitis case sbecame to decrease in number in recent years.1969年,1970年及び1971年の3年間に越年コガタアカイエカ11,229個体,65プールについて哺乳マウス脳内接種法でウイルスの分離を試みたが,成績は陰性であった.流行期における蚊からのウイルスの分離は1969年は,8月1日から8月26日まで,1970年は,7月19日から8月6日まで,1971年は7月13日から7月27日までの期間であった.各年の捕集蚊からの日脳ウイルスの分離効率は最も高いときは1969年3.6,1970年4.8,1971年4.4であって,1968年以前の流行盛期のそれと大差がない.以上の事実は,最近3年間の野外でのコガタアカイエカのウイルス汚染が流行期の或る一時期には1968年以前と同じくらいに行われていることを示している.これに反して,蚊からのウイルスの分離期間が異常に短かくなっていることは,コガタアカイエカの発生,消長が最近3年間では著しく減少していることに,その一つの要因を求めることが出来る.これと平行して.患者数も減少し,1969年19名,1970年17名,1971年3名の届出患者があったにすぎない.
林 薫 Mifune Kumato Shichijo Akehisa Wada Yoshito Nishigaki Jojiro Omori Nanzaburo
熱帯医学 (ISSN:03855643)
vol.11, no.4, pp.212-220, 1970-02

A serial survey on the ecology of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus was made in 1968. Virus isolation was negative from 848 hibernated females of Culex tritaeniorhynchus collected in March to early May. In mid May, when newly emerged females appeared, and thereafter, attempts to isolate the virus were continued, but it was July 23 that the first isolation was made. A strain of JE virus was isolated each from C. pseudovishnui in early August and from Aedes vexans nipponii in late July. Eight other species of mosquitoes were negative for JE virus throughout the year. The pigs susceptible to JE virus were exposed in nature to mosquitoes including hibernated females of C. tritaeniorhynchus in spring without detecting the rise in hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody in their sera. Continuing the exposure to mosquitoes, the HI antibody was detected only after early August. The number of human cases was smaller than in any of the previous three years. One of the reasons is considered to be that the number of vector mosquitoes was smaller at the time of the epizootic in pigs.前年までに引き続き,1968年に日本脳炎ウイルスの生態学的調査を行なった.3月-5月上旬に採集したコガタアカイエカ越冬雌成虫848個体からはウイルスは分離されなかった.新生雌成虫が出現し始めた5月中旬及びそれ以後も分離を試みたが,始めて日本脳炎ウイルスが分離できたのは7月23日であった.シロハシイエカからは8月上旬に,キンイロヤプカからは7月下旬に,各々1株の日本脳炎ウイルスが分離された.感受性の豚を各々1頭ずつ2月下旬に3部落の豚舎に配って,自然に蚊から吸血されるままにして飼育し続けて,HI抗体が出現する時期を調べたが,抗体が検出されたのは8月上旬以降であった.発生患者数は,過去3年の何れにおけるよりも少なかった.その理由の1つは,豚で日本脳炎の流行が起っている時期のコガタアカイエカの数が少なかったことであると考えられる.