南谷 覺正 Minamitani Akimasa
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.23, pp.87-106, 2016-03-01

The purpose of this essay is to propose a renewed concept of civilization more suited to the twenty-first century that followed the one remembered for plunder, exploitation, and the destruction and sins of war. By way of illustration, Samuel P. Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations is reviewed and analyzed in the light of the proposed concept of civilization. The much criticized book, for all its insight, is characterized by its insidious attachment to the residua of the "modern." The human society now desperately needs clues for finding the way out of the predicaments the old "civilizations" have placed it in. A new wineskin in time must be of critical help for the advancement of humankind.
南谷 覺正 Minamitani Akimasa
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
no.19, pp.55-74, 2012-03-31

This essay presents a compact perspective for better understanding the postwar history ofJapan in terms of sex and media. History as a discipline has become increasingly broken downinto separate fields of study and the interaction of sex and media―usually dismissed as a subjectunworthy of mention―is isolated from political and economic history. By integrating sex andmedia into the so-called correct and authoritative, and therefore often quite defective, discourseon history, we can approach a more holistic view of our past, and thereby consider moreappropriately the relationship of the two.