Alicia L. Castillo Suehiro Otoma
Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management
pp.677, 2013 (Released:2014-01-21)

Waste generation in the Philippines has accelerated at a fast pace due to rapid economic and population growth and has contributed to environmental degradation.  The objective of this paper is to review the current municipal Solid Waste Management (SWM) and its challenges in the country, and discuss the possible and innovative ways to manage solid waste issues.  The 3R’s integrated waste management method is the main type of SWM in the country.  Despite the passage of RA 9003 law in 2001, only about 21% and 4% of the Local Government Units (LGUs) in the country are being serviced by municipal recovery facilities and sanitary landfills, respectively.  Moreover, while the LGU of Los Banos was able to successfully address the problem of solid waste through community mobilization and political will of its highest official, SWM in the country could still be considered as not effective or efficient.  Therefore, in order to have an effective SWM in the Philippines, the LGUs should have the political will to innovatively comply with RA 9003, through mobilization of all sectors concerned towards minimizing solid waste and uplifting the economic status of the vulnerable groups involved on SWM.