Shin Takayama Tetsuhiro Yoshino Sayaka Koizumi Yasuhito Irie Tomoko Suzuki Susumu Fujii Rie Katori Mosaburo Kainuma Seiichi Kobayashi Tatsuya Nogami Kenichi Yokota Mayuko Yamazaki Satoko Minakawa Shigeki Chiba Norio Suda Yoshinobu Nakada Tatsuya Ishige Hirofumi Maehara Yutaka Tanaka Mahiko Nagase Akihiko Kashio Kazuhisa Komatsu Makoto Nojiri Osamu Shimooki Kayo Nakamoto Ryutaro Arita Rie Ono Natsumi Saito Akiko Kikuchi Minoru Ohsawa Hajime Nakae Tadamichi Mitsuma Masaru Mimura Tadashi Ishii Kotaro Nochioka Shih-Wei Chiu Takuhiro Yamaguchi Takao Namiki Akito Hisanaga Kazuo Mitani Takashi Ito
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.0027-22, (Released:2022-11-02)

Objective Patients in whom coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was suspected or confirmed between January 1, 2020, and October 31, 2021, were enrolled from Japanese hospitals in this multicenter, retrospective, observational study. Methods Data on the treatment administered (including conventional and Kampo medicine) and changes in common cold-like symptoms (such as fever, cough, sputum, dyspnea, fatigue, and diarrhea) were collected from their medical records. The primary outcome was the number of days without a fever (with a body temperature <37 °C). The secondary outcomes were symptomatic relief and the worsening of illness, defined as the presence of a condition requiring oxygen inhalation. The outcomes of patients treated with and without Kampo medicine were compared. Patients We enrolled 962 patients, among whom 528 received conventional and Kampo treatment (Kampo group) and 434 received conventional treatment (non-Kampo group). Results Overall, after adjusting for the staging of COVID-19 and risk factors, there were no significant between-group differences in the symptoms or number of days being afebrile. After performing propensity score matching and restricting the included cases to those with confirmed COVID-19 who did not receive steroid administration and initiated treatment within 4 days from the onset, the risk of illness worsening was significantly lower in the Kampo group than in the non-Kampo group (odds ratio=0.113, 95% confidence interval: 0.014-0.928, p=0.0424). Conclusion Early Kampo treatment may suppress illness worsening risk in COVID-19 cases without steroid use. Further randomized controlled studies are needed to confirm the clinical benefit of Kampo medicine for COVID-19.
Eiichi TAHARA Tadamichi MITSUMA Yutaka SHIMADA Takashi ITOH Katsutoshi TERASAWA
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
Kampo Medicine (ISSN:02874857)
vol.48, no.3, pp.341-348, 1997-11-20 (Released:2010-03-12)
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今回我々はバセドウ病による甲状腺機能亢進症に対して抗甲状腺剤を用いることなく, 漢方方剤のみによる治療を行い, 寛解に至った症例を報告した。症例1は47歳, 女性。約2年前より動悸, 体重減少, イライラ感, 耳鳴, めまい感など多愁訴。TSH低値, fT3・fT4・TBII高値, 123I 24時間摂取率高値からバセドウ病と診断。動悸などを目標に炙甘草湯を処方。その後証に応じて柴胡加龍骨牡蛎湯などを併用した。1年10ヶ月後には, TSH, fT3, fT4, TBIIとも正常化し, 以後現在まで正常域。症例2は40歳, 女性。3年前より動悸出現。近医で甲状腺機能亢進症を指摘され, 約2ヶ月間チアマゾールを内服。初診時TSH低値, fT3・fT4正常, TBII高値。動悸などを目標に炙甘草湯を処方。約3週後にチアマゾールを自己中止。証に応じて柴胡加龍骨牡蛎湯などを併用した。fT3, fT4は徐々に増加したが動悸は消失。10ヶ月後からfT3・fT4は徐々に低下傾向にある。甲状腺機能亢進症に対して抗甲状腺剤を用いることなく, 漢方治療のみで寛解に至らしめ得る病態のあることが示唆された。