Tien-Pen Hsu Yu-Jui Lin
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
pp.93, 2007 (Released:2008-04-04)

Motorcycle has its advantage of price and mobility to become the main transportation mode in Asia countries where there are high density of population and the economic development falls behind the developed countries. When people have enough economic capability to buy a motor vehicle, the car and the motorcycle have a relation of substitution. It is also a major work to develop a Multinomial Logit Model of motor vehicle chosen. The variables of cost in Multinomial Logit Model are insignificant to the models, and car owners and motorcycle owners usually underestimated the expected cost of another type of vehicle. In sensitive analysis, we can find that three utility factors, such as travel time reliability, convenience and safety are the major reasons influenced the ownership of motor vehicle.