中房 敏朗 Toshiro NAKAFUSA 仙台大学 Sendai College
仙台大学紀要 = Bulletin of Sendai College (ISSN:03893073)
vol.26, pp.71-80, 1995-03-01

It is commonly thought that the origin of football in Europe was derived from "Folk-Football", which still exist here and there within Britain. But Heiner Gillmeister claimed that Europian football was invented in medieval France and by the lower social classes who had adopted certain principles of "pas d'arms", which has been identified as having served as the chief model for football. His theory may be considerably bold and some do not accept his theory with good grace. But we do not have arguments and facts to completely dismiss his theory nor another strong theory of the origine of Europian football to replace Gillmeister's theory. We should not be permited an intellectual neglect of his theory when we think about the origine of ball-games in medieval Europe, whethere we rate his theory accurate or not.