Xu Xie Yuhang Wang Qin Wu Zhi Huang
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Electronics Express (ISSN:13492543)
vol.19, no.24, pp.20220342, 2022-12-25 (Released:2022-12-25)

Based on the study of the electric double layer interface changes and the influence of the geomagnetic field during the underwater motion of the towed antenna, the formation mechanism of the motion polarization noise and motion-induced noise caused by the antenna motion is explained, and the corresponding relationship between the motion noise and the motion acceleration of the towed antenna is analyzed. Experiments are designed and verified. The results show that the movement of the towed antenna in the conductive medium will increase the low-frequency noise level of the antenna, which is mainly concentrated below 300Hz, and the noise floor increases more obviously with the increase of the movement rate. In addition, the low-frequency noise introduced by the antenna motion is controlled by the motion fluctuation frequency, and the noise frequency is the same as the motion acceleration frequency, which is consistent with the theoretical analysis.