Yamamura Takayoshi
Taylor & Francis
Journal of war and culture studies (ISSN:17526272)
vol.12, no.1, pp.8-23, 2017-12-22

This paper presents examples of collaboration between anime producers and the Japan Self-Defense Force. By situating the transitions within the context of the broader trends in collaboration between anime producers and locations (namely, the development of contents tourism), the key turning point in anime producer - JSDF collaboration is be identified and explained. Then, the reasons why in recent years JSDF has been actively collaborating with the production of pop culture contents in the realms of fantasy and fiction with an anime fanbase will be discussed. What is happening in Japan today is a fantasization (= contentsization) and consumption of the military, rather than a 'drift to the right' or resurgence of militarism. The pressures to produce military or 'moe military' anime are driven by the market rather than the military.
Yamamura Takayoshi
Cultural Resource Management Laboratory, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.14, pp.1-9, 2009-05-29

This paper examines how the town of Washimiya has become a mecca for anime lovers ever since fans from all around the country rushed to visit after it was used as a setting for the TV animation series Lucky Star. As a result, the town has successfully hosted two anime-related events for these fans. As a result, it was found that the local Commerce and Industry Association played a central role in each process. It was also discovered that, with the town's Commerce and Industry Association at the core, a local shrine, local shops, fans and corporations from outside the region (copyright owners and a tourist agency) were able to build mutually beneficial relationships as a backdrop to the current success.