浜野 保樹 ハマノ ヤスキ Yasuki Hamano
vol.1, pp.77-94, 1988

The concept of hypertext presented by V. Bush and D. Engelbart influenced the development of hypermedia by A. Kay. The concept of media is often ambiguous, for example, what is the concrete relationship between media and a symbol system, and what is the influential of M. McLuhan's theory on media development. Since hypermedia has strong audio-visual functions, the use in computer assisted instruction(CAI), especially drill and practice type, is often discussed as a most possible application of hypermedia. However, the concept of hypermedia is entirely different and inconsistent with the existing CAI programs. While CAI is based on the behaviorism theory of psychology which leaves the process of thinking as a "black-box", the most essential characteristic of hypermedia is to unveil the process of thinking and try to assist it.