八島 恵美子 福本 由希 飯渕 貞明 ヤジマ エミコ フクモト ユキ イイブチ サダアキ Emiko Yajima Yuki FUKUMOTO Sadaaki IIBUCHI
和洋女子大学紀要. 家政系編
vol.37, pp.45-56, 1997-03-31

1.沸騰点以下の温度で温度変化が起きる場合,低分子の拡散速度は理論値からずれる事はない。2. 100℃に保った食品をより低温の溶液につけると,分子拡散から期待される浸透速度より大きい浸透速度が得られる。食品内部で水の気化が起きるため,低温になると食品内部が陰圧になって外部溶液の吸引が起こると推定される。「味は冷えるときに染み込む」原因は細胞膜の破壊に加えて,上の現象によるものと思われる。本研究を行うにあたり,試料を提供して下さいました財団法人日本こんにゃく協会,追試の研究をして下さいました山梨県立短大の小竹研究室の皆様にお礼申し上げます。
Yuki Fukumoto Yoshibumi Bunno Toshiaki Suzuki
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.28, no.12, pp.3416-3420, 2016 (Released:2016-12-27)
4 6

[Purpose] This study aimed to examine the effect of motor imagery on the accuracy of motion and the excitability of spinal neural function. [Subjects and Methods] Thirty healthy volunteers (males, 15; females, 15; mean age, 20.3 ± 1.0 years) were recruited. F-waves was recorded at rest, while holding a sensor, and while using motor imagery. Next, subjects learned 50% maximum voluntary contraction. The pinch force was measured without visual feedback before and after motor imagery. F-waves were analyzed with respect to persistence and the F/M amplitude ratio. Correction time and coefficient of variation were calculated from the pinch force. [Results] Persistence and F/M amplitude ratio ware significantly higher in the holding sensor and motor imagery conditions than in the resting condition. In addition, persistence under motor imagery was significantly higher than that in the holding sensor condition. No significant differences were observed in relative values of correction time and coefficient of variation between the two pinch action conditions. The pinch force in task 2 approximated a more authentic 50%MVC than that in task 1. [Conclusion] Motor imagery increases the excitability of spinal neural function, suggesting that it also affects accurate control of muscle force.