Norihiko HIRAI Mitsuyuki SHIRAI Yukio KATO Masaru MURAKAMI Ryota NOMURA Yoshie YAMASAKI Soraaki TAKAHASHI Chihiro KONDO Michiyo MATSUMOTO-NAKANO Kazuhiko NAKANO Fumitoshi ASAI
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.75, no.7, pp.999-1001, 2013 (Released:2013-07-31)
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We analyzed the distribution of 11 periodontitis-related bacterial species in dental plaque collected from 176 Japanese dogs divided into young (less than 2 years of age), middle-aged (2–7 years of age) and elderly (more than 8 years of age) groups using a polymerase chain reaction method. Clinical examination revealed that no dogs in the young group were affected by periodontitis, whereas the rates for gingivitis and periodontitis were high in the middle-aged and elderly groups. In addition, the total numbers of bacterial species in the middle-aged and elderly groups were significantly greater than in the young group. Our findings suggest that age is an important factor associated with the distribution of periodontitis-related bacteria and periodontal conditions in dogs.
加藤 行男 村上 賢 カトウ ユキオ ムラカミ マサル Yukio Kato Masaru Murakami Tomomitsu Alexandre Okatani
麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University
vol.11/12, pp.180-183, 2005 (Released:2012-09-12)

野生の爬虫類252検体および愛玩用として一般家庭で飼育されている爬虫類(愛玩用爬虫類)39検体からSalmonellaを分離し,種および亜種の同定,血清型別を行った。野生の爬虫類252検体中29検体(11.5%),愛玩用爬虫類39検体中22検体(55.6%)からSalmonellaが検出された。分離されたSalmonellaの亜種は,亜種Iが最も多かった。分離されたSalmonellaの亜種Iの血清型は,S. Litchfield,S. Thompson,S. Newportなど9血清型に分類された。以上のことより,爬虫類はSalmonellaを高率に保有し,分離された株の中には日本においても胃腸炎患者から分離される血清型もあり,爬虫類がヒトのSalmonella感染症の感染源となりうることが示唆された。 A total of 291 fecal samples from 252 wild reptiles and 39 pet reptiles were examined for the prevalence of Salmonella spp. in Japan. Salmonella spp. were isolated from 29 (11.5%) of 252 wild reptiles and 22 (55.6%) of 39 pet reptiles. The isolates were identified into subspecies I to IV. The majority of isolates (43.6%) belonged to subspecies I and these isolates could be identified into 9 serovars. The serovars isolated were found to be S. Newport, S. Litchifield and S. Thompson which cause human salmonellosis. These results indicated that reptiles may be a potential infectious source of human salmonellosis in Japan.
Norihiko HIRAI Mitsuyuki SHIRAI Yukio KATO Masaru MURAKAMI Ryota NOMURA Yoshie YAMASAKI Soraaki TAKAHASHI Chihiro KONDO Michiyo MATSUMOTO-NAKANO Kazuhiko NAKANO Fumitoshi ASAI
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.13-0041, (Released:2013-03-12)
2 13

We analyzed the distribution of 11 periodontitis-related bacterial species in dental plaque collected from 176 Japanese dogs divided into young (less than 2 years of age), middle-aged (2–7 years of age) and elderly (more than 8 years of age) groups using a polymerase chain reaction method. Clinical examination revealed that no dogs in the young group were affected by periodontitis, whereas the rates for gingivitis and periodontitis were high in the middle-aged and elderly groups. In addition, the total numbers of bacterial species in the middle-aged and elderly groups were significantly greater than in the young group. Our findings suggest that age is an important factor associated with the distribution of periodontitis-related bacteria and periodontal conditions in dogs.
Ryota NOMURA Mitsuyuki SHIRAI Yukio KATO Masaru MURAKAMI Kazuhiko NAKANO Norihiko HIRAI Tetsuya MIZUSAWA Shuhei NAKA Yoshie YAMASAKI Michiyo MATSUMOTO-NAKANO Takashi OOSHIMA Fumitoshi ASAI
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.74, no.7, pp.885-891, 2012 (Released:2012-08-04)
8 16

Porphyromonas gulae, a gram-negative black-pigmented anaerobe, is a pathogen for periodontitis in dogs. An approximately 41-kDa fimbrial subunit protein (FimA) encoded by fimA is regarded as associated with periodontitis. In the present study, the fimA genes of 17 P. gulae strains were sequenced, and classified into two major types. The generation of phylogenetic trees based on the deduced amino acid sequence of FimA of P. gulae strains along with sequences from several strains of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a major cause of human periodontitis, revealed that the two types of FimA (types A and B) of P. gulae were similar to type I FimA and types II and III FimA of P. gingivalis, respectively. A PCR system for classification was established based on differences in the nucleotide sequences of the fimA genes. Analysis of 115 P. gulae-positive oral swab specimens from dogs revealed that 42.6%, 22.6%, and 26.1% of them contained type A, type B, and both type A and B fimA genes, respectively. Experiments with a mouse abscess model demonstrated that the strains with type B fimA caused significantly greater systemic inflammation than those with type A. These results suggest that the FimA proteins of P. gulae are diverse with two major types and that strains with type B fimA could be more virulent.
Ryota NOMURA Mitsuyuki SHIRAI Yukio KATO Masaru MURAKAMI Kazuhiko NAKANO Norihiko HIRAI Tetsuya MIZUSAWA Shuhei NAKA Yoshie YAMASAKI Michiyo MATSUMOTO-NAKANO Takashi OOSHIMA Fumitoshi ASAI
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.1202220780, (Released:2012-03-02)
8 16

Porphyromonas gulae, a gram-negative black-pigmented anaerobe, is a pathogen for periodontitis in dogs. An approximately 41-kDa fimbrial subunit protein (FimA) encoded by fimA is regarded as associated with periodontitis. In the present study, the fimA genes of 17 P. gulae strains were sequenced, and classified into two major types. The generation of phylogenetic trees based on the deduced amino acid sequence of FimA of P. gulae strains along with sequences from several strains of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a major cause of human periodontitis, revealed that the two types of FimA (types A and B) of P. gulae were similar to type I FimA and types II and III FimA of P. gingivalis, respectively. A PCR system for classification was established based on differences in the nucleotide sequences of the fimA genes. Analysis of 115 P. gulae-positive oral swab specimens from dogs revealed that 42.6, 22.6, and 26.1% of them contained type A, type B, and both type A and B fimA genes, respectively. Experiments with a mouse abscess model demonstrated that the strains with type B fimA caused significantly greater systemic inflammation than those with type A. These results suggest that the FimA proteins of P. gulae are diverse with two major types and that strains with type B fimA could be more virulent.