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Twitter (5 users, 9 posts, 10 favorites)

On the misnomer of "morphosyntactic gloss" as a translation for ヲコト点. top-right dot /wo/ bottom-right dot /fa/ bottom-middle /su/ top-middle bar /rañ/ middle-right dot /to/ At the very least, wofas.u is spelled entirely phonographically. Source: https://t.co/ZlPSdy6hJx https://t.co/AiR06BehlC
And another batch. 云咹、咲跋 (アットいって、バットわらふ) 樋 (ツント) [足由][足暦] (ユラリト) 油[氵暦] (ユラリト) Interesting to see two different spellings (at least in terms of classifier) for "yurari=to" in the same manuscript. > https://t.co/TwQAEVN34A https://t.co/FFruonGQRh
More sinographic onomatopoeia! 唅歯 (ガンジト) [U+2DACE] + [U+2DACE] (クルクルト) 摼々 (ヒシヒシト) 跛 + [U+8FCF] (ハタット) Sometimes very difficult to tell whether these are phono- or morphograms... > https://t.co/TwQAEVN34A https://t.co/aHm7eiGmLS
So why can't we have an edit function on Twitter when even this manuscript of the Soga monogatari had such a great variety of them?

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