Gordian Schreiber@Managr (@managraphy)


This tweet has served as a reminder that Kikuchi Keita's historical study of abbreviated sinograms was published already a year ago. I was very impressed by his previous papers and can't wait to read this monograph as well. Summary of his dissertation: https://t.co/P5ih4voD1h https://t.co/wmwcE8wZyo
RT @NDLJP_en: The NDL holds several different versions of the Man’yoshu as well as a variety of materials related to it. Let's take a close…

5 0 0 0 OA 曽我物語

On the misnomer of "morphosyntactic gloss" as a translation for ヲコト点. top-right dot /wo/ bottom-right dot /fa/ bottom-middle /su/ top-middle bar /rañ/ middle-right dot /to/ At the very least, wofas.u is spelled entirely phonographically. Source: https://t.co/ZlPSdy6hJx https://t.co/AiR06BehlC
Due to the contrasts in greater/smaller size and thicker/thinner ink, somewhat of a three-dimensional image is evoked when the letter is read in order. More chaotic/complex examples exist, see images for two more letters by the same person. https://t.co/gljoC2vcUf https://t.co/MbuFHOMg7p
Nyohitsu 女筆 in the wild! A letter written by Hosokawa Gracia in late 16th century. This highly cursivized writing style is particularly difficult to read because of its scattered layout. It's all over the place! But there is a logic behind it. https://t.co/EQ7dlKIcfc https://t.co/8U75vIFCfJ

20 0 0 0 OA 源氏物語絵巻

Wikipedia fail of the week: "The Genji Monogatari Emaki is almost impossible to decipher. Even amongst today's most educated Japanese people, only a few can successfully decipher it."
RT @NDLJP_en: The NDL holds several different versions of the Man’yoshu as well as a variety of materials related to it. Let's take a close…

5 0 0 0 OA 改正小学校令

@JPRidgeway Couldn't agree more here. 子 is basically the default katakana for most of the Early Modern period, while ネ is much rarer to be found. In the early 1900s reforms there was still confusion whether 子 or ネ should be the new standard. > https://t.co/r9vRrCSoyF https://t.co/IyqRIfLFpz

59 0 0 0 OA 千蟲譜 3巻

RT @NDLJP_en: Manuscript of Senchu-fu (lit. Thousand insects picture book). The original work was written up by Kurimoto Tanshu, and manusc…

2 0 0 0 OA 曽我物語

Funky ligature you can only use in Japan.

5 0 0 0 OA 曽我物語

And another batch. 云咹、咲跋 (アットいって、バットわらふ) 樋 (ツント) [足由][足暦] (ユラリト) 油[氵暦] (ユラリト) Interesting to see two different spellings (at least in terms of classifier) for "yurari=to" in the same manuscript. > https://t.co/TwQAEVN34A https://t.co/FFruonGQRh

5 0 0 0 OA 曽我物語

More sinographic onomatopoeia! 唅歯 (ガンジト) [U+2DACE] + [U+2DACE] (クルクルト) 摼々 (ヒシヒシト) 跛 + [U+8FCF] (ハタット) Sometimes very difficult to tell whether these are phono- or morphograms... > https://t.co/TwQAEVN34A https://t.co/aHm7eiGmLS

2 0 0 0 OA 曽我物語

I have never seen this sinogram before nor can I find it anywhere. Perhaps a variant of some sort? Luckily it comes equipped with the reading gloss "iraka". ⿵几⿱火丸 Or perhaps the lower constituent is supposed to be 瓦 via 甍?

5 0 0 0 OA 曽我物語

So why can't we have an edit function on Twitter when even this manuscript of the Soga monogatari had such a great variety of them?

3 0 0 0 OA 日本名筆全集

Excerpt of a manuscript of the Wakan rōeishū. The same Buddhist poem is recorded in other works, e.g. Ryōjin hishō or Shin Kokin wakashū. 阿耨多羅 三

7 0 0 0 OA 大塔物語

To hop on the recent hype train of "triplograms", here are some of them as seen in the wild!

7 0 0 0 OA 大塔物語

Different sounds whether you throw wood into a well or a stone. Makes sense! donbuto [U+2C47D] "SPLISH!" zanbuto


20 0 0 0 OA 源氏物語絵巻

This emaki of the Genji monogatari is owned by the Tokugawa Museum, which published a replica in 1936. #TaleofGenji #ndldigital https://t.co/kTSayPToud https://t.co/A1Y67U297l
The NDL holds several different versions of the Man’yoshu as well as a variety of materials related to it. Let's take a closer look at some of these historical materials. #ndldigital https://t.co/hPWLsulTSE https://t.co/tV9ElnkeQf

1 0 0 0 OA 節用集 2巻

Another nice one, even if it's only a digraph: ware-o tasuketamae 南無 'rescue/deliver me!'

2 0 0 0 OA 節用集 2巻

Tetragraph of the day: sashimogusa 一切衆生 'all living beings'.
The NDL holds several different versions of the Man’yoshu as well as a variety of materials related to it. Let's take a closer look at some of these historical materials. #ndldigital https://t.co/hPWLsulTSE https://t.co/Nm19GGnbjA
@managraphy @Echo_Heo @edwardW2 @max1231235564 Ah, that one ... (https://t.co/2lTMCZxoa8). There's another namazu-e with less garbled siddhaṃ script, compare this https://t.co/sQg8PkJsz4 with https://t.co/ogBTXh6iPO. (Note btw also that 自身 for intended 地震?) https://t.co/Pe5U182078

1 0 0 0 OA 鯰退治

@managraphy @Echo_Heo @edwardW2 @max1231235564 Ah, that one ... (https://t.co/2lTMCZxoa8). There's another namazu-e with less garbled siddhaṃ script, compare this https://t.co/sQg8PkJsz4 with https://t.co/ogBTXh6iPO. (Note btw also that 自身 for intended 地震?) https://t.co/Pe5U182078
Interesting discovery of the week: I found some rather unusual doodles in a book. Someone apparently got bored during their lecture of the heroic life of Saigō Takamori.

33 0 0 0 OA 翻車考

Ocean #sunfish attracted a lot of interest because of their unique looks. This book was created by KURIMOTO Tanshu, a Shogunate doctor and naturalist in the Edo period. https://t.co/5HgHPuz35v https://t.co/MuBECNGyeg
The title page of a trustworthy, reliable resource.
@SarahR_Schmid @nosword @managraphy Interesting case indeed.
@SarahR_Schmid @nosword @managraphy Interesting case indeed.

59 0 0 0 OA 千蟲譜 3巻

Manuscript of Senchu-fu (lit. Thousand insects picture book). The original work was written up by Kurimoto Tanshu, and manuscripts were made one after another. Some of the creatures listed in the book are not classified as insects today. https://t.co/UTsFJZLYeI https://t.co/t9NJxxS3EB

9 0 0 0 OA 新編浮雲

Double-sized printing type for mairase-sōrō (lower right & upper left corner). Bad luck for horizontal text though. < 1887 浮雲: https://t.co/XcqiteArpZ https://t.co/AqaC0W0ni9

