近藤 誠司 中野 充博
関西大学 社会安全研究センター
社会安全学研究 = Journal of societal safety sciences (ISSN:21860815)
vol.11, pp.109-123, 2021-03-31

In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey on communication issues among all hearing-impaired person in Kusatsu city, in order to consider the natural disaster countermeasures for support needing people under COVID-19 crisis. Consequently, we found that their commitments to disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities had not made much progress, although 69.8% of them had interests in DRR measures. Furthermore, they would have to grapple with the problem of an aging population. In consideration of this situation, we insisted that it was necessary to improve the intergenerational social exchange based on the mutually helping.


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