任 夢渓
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.4, pp.99-111, 2015-02-28

When speaking of Confucian thought on women, words like “男尊女卑”(Manis superior to woman)and “三従四徳”(Three Obediences and Four Virtues)might be recalled immediately. They are regarded as the feudal dross thatoppressed Chinese women for three thousand years. For example, ChenDongyuan (1902-1978)once said that it was “男尊女卑” that made womenbecome the slaves and toys of men, and that was the product of Confucianism.However, such opinion was born in the context of social revolution, and usingthe modern concept to judge the values of old times is prejudiced, in myperspective. Therefore, this paper will discuss Confucian thought on womenwritten in the Book of Rites (『礼記』), which is considered to be the beginningof girls’ education, to learn the creed of Confucianism on teaching women at thatearly period.


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一方儒教はと言えば、今の感覚からすると男女差別がない訳ではないんだけど、かなり緩い。 あくまで、男と女が平等に、それぞれの性的役割分担に従え、という内容で、女性を「原罪」や「穢れ」としては扱わない。 https://t.co/ZiJd0lxiU5
@chocolatfraist1 https://t.co/xx2q23rhPI お年寄りが大好きな儒教の教えでもみだりに女性の事を口出しするのは男として相応しくない行為の様ですね

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