鈴村 裕輔
vol.17, pp.53-74, 2020-03-25

Saito Takao (斎藤隆夫, 1870-1949), who is a well-known statesperson from the Taisho Period to 1949, won 13 times in the General Election of the House of Representative since 1912. Keeping the seat Saito was appointed as the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Home Ministry in the Hamaguchi Cabinet, the Director-General of the Legislation Bureau of the 2nd Wakatsuki Reijiro Cabinet, a Minister of the 1st Yoshida Cabinet formed in 1946 and a Minister of the Katayama Tetsu Cabinet. He took an active role in the front line of the political world and had passed away in 1949.One of the most remarkable achievement of Saito is two speeches at the Diet: “An Interpellation on a Purge of Army” (粛軍に関する質問演説) in 1936 and “An Interpellation on Handling the Second Sino-Japanese War” (支那事変処理に関する質問演説) in 1940. In the former Siato criticized the governmentʼs attitude to the 26th February 1936 Incident and in the latter he denounced measures taken by the government. However, there is no study on Saitoʼs three articles contributed to the special issue “The Right Way of Parliamentary Politics” (議会政治の本道) published in the Jiji Shimpo in November 1936.In this paper, we examined the three discussions published in “The Right Way of Parliamentary Politics” and discussed Saito's comment on military intervention in politics and his trust in the people. In this way, we demonstrated that Saitoʼs defense parliamentary politics in terms of the provisions and practical use of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and his belief that each people might effectively prevent effectively military intervention in politics.


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今年3月に法政大学国際日本学研究所の紀要『国際日本学』第17号に投稿した私の論文「斎藤隆夫の政党政治擁護論」が、法政大学学術機関リポジトリで公開されました。 https://t.co/4zCeJW9u8d

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