斎藤 嘉孝
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = 法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 (ISSN:13493043)
vol.9, pp.369-379, 2012-03

These days, Japanese society faces serious problems regarding marriage. That is, the average age at which a person first marries is becoming older and older, and the number of youth who do not want to be married is increasing. Governmental reports and academic studies often attempt to explain what causes such phenomena. This paper aims to examine effects of the relationship between a youth's parents on the youth's positive/negative attitudes towards his or her own future marriage. A survey was conducted on undergraduate students who lived in and around the Tokyo metropolitan area in 2011. The results of my statistical analyses included that (1) those whose parents went out together were more likely to have positive attitudes towards marriage than others, (2) those whose parents often quarreled were more likely to have negative attitudes towards marriage than others, and (3) those whose mothers were satisfied with their relationships with the fathers were more likely to have more positive attitudes towards marriage than others. These findings suggest that we should pay more attention to the parental relationship, that is, the marital partnership, as one of the influential factors on youth's attitudes towards marriage.


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