Mayer Oliver
愛知教育大学研究報告. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18845177)
vol.71, pp.96-104, 2022-03-01

Third-sector railways are independent railway operators that were originally part of the Japanese national rail network, but were split off in the 1980s. They play an important role in providing a transport infrastructure for their local areas, but as many of them are located in rural areas they suffer from a loss of passengers. This article looks at some of these third-sector railways in detail.


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@Networker_365 @gt670dn Try https://t.co/fAktnpOdRY and then download the PDF file. There is also a follow-up at https://t.co/1TpoGhcf6N
@PastaLion1 輸送人数にかかわらず、原則としてパターンダイヤが必要だと思います。鉄道はパターンダイヤがあれば、路線バスもパターンダイヤを導入します。毎時同じ出発時間(分)で覚えやすい、乗り換えも安心、信頼できる公共交通です。 私の研究(第三セクター鉄道、ドイツ語のみ): https://t.co/1TpoGgU5SF
Neuer Artikel 新しい論文:第三セクター鉄道の事例研究(由利高原・秋田内陸縦貫・北条鉄道など)Fallstudien zu Drittsektorbahnen in Japan: Yuri Kōgen Tetsudō, Akita Nairiku Jūkan Tetsudō, Yamagata Tetsudō, Abukuma Kyūkō, Nishikigawa Tetsudō und Hōjō Tetsudō https://t.co/1TpoGgU5SF

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