佐々井 啓 坂井 妙子 好田 由佳 山村 明子 米今 由希子
vol.2011, pp.21-26, 2012-03-30

The purpose of this project is to clarify Victorian women’s life and their body images by examining contemporary women’s magazines. Their importance has been widely recognized by researchers of historical dresses, but their main focuses have been on the styles and colours of fashionable dresses and dress accessories. Re-reading Victorian women’s magazines and re-focusing on the issues such as women’s actual life styles and their way of thinking will give us a new understanding of Victorian culture. This year, we examined British major fashion magazines issued in the nineteenth century to compile their outlines. As this task has been successful, we are ready to compile articles which illuminate women’s autonomy and their changing body images through this period.


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@samoedon ヴィクトリア朝の服飾表現にみる女性の自立と身体観に関する研究 服飾文化共同研究報告 2011 https://t.co/VVUSDphdP4 web上での調査ではここに挙げられているような当時の雑誌記事が参考になるかと… レディーズ・レルムの項で論じられているgirl's own paperは復刻版・別冊日本語解説があります。

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