根敦阿斯尔 Gendunasier
神奈川大学日本常民文化研究所 非文字資料研究センター
年報 非文字資料研究 (ISSN:18839169)
no.10, pp.383-407, 2014-03-20

The object of this report is to bring to light the role of the annual events in Lamaism in modern society in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. The changes and effects of modern society on Lamaism and the transitions within Lamaism will be discussed in detail. The following four investigations will be discussed : 1. Investigation into the current state of Dazhao temple, built by Altan Khan in 1579 and located in Hohot ; and an investigation of the year-round activities conducted at Dazhao temple(these activities are scheduled by the lunar calendar). 2. The meanings of Lamaist language, including their origins and usage in storytelling. 3. Regarding the contents of the annual activities of Lamaism, specifically the use of masks, dancing and a detailed study of ʻBakudakamʼ dance. 4. An analysis of the role of Lamaist temples in modern society from an outsiderʼs perspective. However, the investigations conducted for this report about the Lamaism of Dazhao temple were not able to fully utilize the detailed documentation. Because of this, the analysis also features insight from an outsiderʼs point of view as well as factors remaining from conventional activity at Dazhao temple. Through this, we can conduct a deeper analysis of how Lamaism has adapted to modern society.


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根敦阿斯尔(Gendunasier) 「チベット仏教寺院における仮面芸能(チャム)の比較研究 -内モンゴル「大召寺」を中心に-」 https://t.co/gb0YyBMfOj

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