小林 昭博
pp.189-210, 2019-09

In John 13:21–30 the beloved disciple appears as a figure leaning on Jesus’ bosom (13:23, 25), and it seems that the physical intimacy of Jesus and the beloved disciple is emphasized. According to the historical-critical method, it can be understood as the intimacy of God and the only son in John 1:18. However, according to the queer theory, it can be understood as the physical intimacy of a lover and a beloved in Greek pederasty. These two interpretations are mutually contradictory, but it can be solved using the homosocial theory. In short, the physical intimacy of Jesus and the beloved disciple is fundamentally linked to the love between a teacher and a disciple that embodies homoeroticism and homosociality in the Hellenistic world. Hence, the disciple whom Jesus loved is portrayed as a figure leaning on Jesus’ bosom.


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